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Submit An Abstract
Propose A Symposium
Presenter/Author Tools
Organizer/Editor Tools
Management of User Information


How Do I Create a User Account? |Back to Help|

If you have not used ProgramMaster before, you will first need to create a user account within ProgramMaster. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select "Register As A New User" from the main menu.
  2. Complete the fields associated with the new user account (note that field names highlighted in red are required).
  3. Press the "Submit My Registration" button located at the bottom of the page.
How Do I Update My User Account Information? |Back to Help|

To update your existing user information, it will first be necessary to log into ProgramMaster. Once logged in, you can access your User Profile by selecting the "View Your Profile" link from the main menu. The data associated with your user record can be viewed and edited from this screen by typing the new data and pressing the "Update My Profile" button.

What if I Have Forgotten my User Name and Password? |Back to Help|

All information you submitted previously is connected to your unique user name and password. Do not create a new user name and password. To retrieve your password, use the "Forgot Your Password?" link located on the login page to receive an e-mail with your user name and password. If you need further assistance, contact the ProgramMaster staff.

How Do I Update Someone Else's Account Information? |Back to Help|

The only way to update a user's information is to log in as that user. Please do not log in as anyone other than yourself.

What Information Can I Access Once I Log in? |Back to Help|

Anonymously, all users access the following paths from the ProgramMaster Main Menu:

  • ProgramMaster Home
  • General Information
  • Calls for Papers
  • Register as a New User
  • Help

Once logged in, registered users can access the "User Tools and Utilities" portion of the Main Menu. All registered users can access

  • Submit an Abstract
  • Propose a Symposium
  • Propose a Proceedings
  • View Your Profile

Users who wish to manage their abstract and/or manuscript submissions can access the records by using

  • Presenter/Author Tools

Users who wish to administer to their symposia and/or proceedings can access the records by using

  • Organizer/Editor Tools
What Information About Me Is Available to Other Users? |Back to Help|

When participating as a lead organizer within a meeting program, your contact information is available to any individual accessing the site (both registered and non-registered users). This makes it possible for interested parties to openly correspond via phone, fax, e-mail, and mail.

Questions about ProgramMaster? Contact