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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Innovations in High Entropy Alloys and Bulk Metallic Glasses: An SMD & FMD Symposium in Honor of Peter K. Liaw
Presentation Title Mechanical Modeling and Plasticity of Bulk Metallic Glasses
Author(s) Hyoung Seop Kim
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Hyoung Seop Kim
Abstract Scope The mechanical properties of engineering materials are key for ensuring safety and reliability. However, the plastic deformation of BMGs is confined to narrow regions in shear bands, which usually result in limited ductilities and catastrophic failures at low homologous temperatures. The quasi-brittle failure and lack of tensile ductility undercut the potential applications of BMGs. In this presentation, we present clear tensile ductility in a Zr-based BMG via a high-pressure torsion (HPT) process. Enhanced tensile ductility and work-hardening behavior after the HPT process were investigated, focusing on the microstructure, particularly the changed free volume, which affects deformation mechanisms (i.e., initiation, propagation, and obstruction of shear bands). Our results provide insights into the basic functions of hydrostatic pressure and shear strain in the microstructure and mechanical properties of HPT-processed BMGs.Mechanical modeling and finite element analysis are presented.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


A Grain-growth-resistant High-entropy Alloy for Forging Applications
Alloying Effects on Mechanical Properties of CoCrFeNi-based γ'-Strengthened Multi-principal Element Alloys for Elevated Temperature Applications
Creep Resistance of a Hierarchical-precipitate-strengthened Ferritic Alloy
Defect Dynamics and Microstructure Evolution in High Entropy Alloys
Ductility Improvement Methodologies in Metallic Glasses and High Entropy Alloys
Element Effects of CoCrFeNi-based High-entropy Alloys on Low-cycle Fatigue
Energy Dissipation and Damage Evolution in Irradiated Concentrated Solid Solution Alloys
Expanding High-entropy to Ceramics: Identifying High Entropy Oxides with Perovskite, Spinel, or Pyrochlore Structure
Glass Formation with Monodisperse Colloids
High-throughput Hot-isostatic-pressing Micro-synthesis for Accelerating Studies of High Entropy Alloys
High-throughput Predicting and Machine-learning Solid-solution Formation
High Entropy Alloys as Filler Metals
High Temperature Strength of Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys
Improvement of Lattice Distortion by Addition of Zr Element in NbTaTiV Refractory High-entropy Alloy
Local Structure in Controlling Microstructure and Property of Lightweight High-entropy Alloys
Manipulating Structures/Properties of Bulk Metallic Glasses and High-entropy Alloys by Severe Plastic Deformation
Mechanical Behavior of Additive Manufactured CoCrNi High Entropy Alloy at 298K and 210K
Mechanical Behavior of Transformative Complex Concentrated Alloys
Mechanical Modeling and Plasticity of Bulk Metallic Glasses
Melting of Metallic Glasses in the Limit of Ultra-high Liquid Fragility
Metallic Glasses: From Coatings to Their First-ever Nanotube Arrays
Metastability Engineering in Aged Non-equiatomic High Entropy Alloys with Heterogenous Structure Towards Superior Strength-ductility Synergy
Microstructure Evolution with Temperature in the Al-rich High-entropy Alloys
Modeling and Analysis of Serrated Flows in High Entropy Alloys: Past, Present, and Future
Nature of Metallic Bonding in Bulk Metallic Glasses and High Entropy Alloys
Portevin-Le Chatelier Mechanism in Face-Centered-Cubic Metals from Low to High Entropy
Radiation Effects in High Entropy Alloys and Bulk Metallic Glasses
Rejuvenation by Fatigue
Research on Bulk Metallic Glasses and High Entropy Alloys
Serrated Flow and Beyond: Strain Localization in Metallic Glasses
Serrated Yielding in an Iron-chromium-aluminum (FeCrAl) Alloy Tubing
Slip Avalanches in Amorphous and Crystalline Materials
Structure Modulation for Plasticity Enhancement of Metallic Glasses
Structures and Mechanical Properties of Multiphase High-entropy Alloys at Room and Elevated Temperatures
Tensile Behavior of BCC Refractory High-entropy Alloys
The Structure and Deformation Behaviors of Annealed Cu-Zr Metallic Glasses
Tracer Diffusion in High-entropy Alloys: the Impact of Constituents and Composition

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