Abstract Scope |
This presentation is a broad overview of metamorphic manufacturing. Dozens of creative people have been involved in this evolving conversation. A core question from the beginning is could we develop robotic systems that act like blacksmiths, but with more power, precision, reproducibility and a computational power or intelligence. This leads us to ask if we can develop autonomous systems that leverage artificial intelligence to demonstrate artificial skills? Building off the 2019 TMS study, can we better define and optimize the core elements of the metamorphic manufacturing (STARC) system of Sensors, Thermal control, Actuators, Robotics and Computation? What value could this bring, and in what applications? Further evolution to Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing will be shown. We also see this as a physical manifestation of what is really a cyber system. This thinking leads us to new ways of assuring quality – through qualifying models, instead of parts. |