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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Ceramic Materials for Nuclear Energy Research and Applications
Presentation Title Comprehensive Treatment of Thermal Transport Under Irradiation in ThO2
Author(s) David H. Hurley, Marat Khafizov, Cody Dennett, Amey Khanolkar, Zilong Hua, Lingfeng He, Jian Gan, Anter ElAzab, Maneieha Salaken, Chao Jiang, Miaomiao Jin, Ryan Deskins, Bawane Kausubh, Chris Marianettii, Matthew Mann
On-Site Speaker (Planned) David H. Hurley
Abstract Scope We report on a thermal transport study of thorium dioxide exposed to proton irradiation. This comprehensive treatment includes molecular dynamic modeling coupled with cluster dynamics to understand defect evolution. Models of defect evolution are compared/validated by transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, ellipsometry, and x-ray diffraction measurements. Thermal transport properties of the thin damage layer are measured using modulated thermal reflectance and compared directly to a Boltzmann transport model of phonon mediated thermal transport in the presence of defects. The Boltzmann transport as well as the molecular dynamic and cluster dynamic models are informed from first principles models of defect formation and migration energies, phonon scattering cross-sections and phonon dispersion and lifetime in perfect, defect free materials. This comprehensive treatment of thermal transport demonstrates the level of detail made possible by combining elements of condensed matter physics, irradiation materials science, and mesoscale thermal transport studies.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Nuclear Materials, Computational Materials Science & Engineering,


A Model of Grain Boundary Energy Anisotropy in Uranium Dioxide Nuclear Fuel
A Thermo-mechanical Coupled Phase Field Dynamic Fracture Model and Its Application in UO2
Comprehensive Treatment of Thermal Transport Under Irradiation in ThO2
Development of Hydrothermal Corrosion Barrier Coatings for High-density Nuclear Fuels
Development of Yttrium Hydride for High Temperature Moderator Application
Effect of UV and Gamma Irradiation on the Hydrothermal Corrosion of Ion-irradiated SiC
Electron Microscopy Characterization of the Fuel-cladding Interaction in Annular Fast Reactor MOX
Evolution of Ion Irradiated Nitride Ceramics Properties for Coated Particle Fuel Systems
Exotic Magneto-elastic Properties in Uranium Dioxide
Hydrothermal Corrosion of Silicon Carbide
Hydrothermal Corrosion Study of Additive Manufactured SiC Fibers
Impact of Dislocation Loops on Thermal Conductivity of CeO2
In-situ Measurement of Tritium Release from Lithium Aluminate Under Neutron Irradiation
Influence of Dose Rate and Temperature on Mass Transport in Hematite
Ionization Effects on Damage Accumulation Behavior in SiC
Irradiation Damage in High-entropy Carbide Ceramics
Irradiation Effects on Zirconium Alloy Oxides and Their Impacts on In-reactor Corrosion Rates
Microstructural Analysis and Micro-mechanical Testing on Xenon-irradiated Uranium Dioxide
Microstructural and Fission Products Analysis from Irradiated UO2 Fuel Using Atom Probe Tomography
Microstructural Characterization of Radiation Effects in 3D printed SiC
Microstructure and Chemical States of Fission Products in Irradiated AGR-1 and AGR-2 TRISO Particle UCO Fuel Kernels
Modeling of Pressure-driven Inter-granular Fracture in High Burnup Structure UO2 during LOCA Using A Phase-field Approach
Molecular Dynamics Investigations of AlN-based Piezoelectric Ceramics under Irradiation
Multiscale Modeling of High Burn-up Structure (HBS) Formation and Evolution in UO2
On the Role of Neutron Irradiation Damages on Fission Products Transport in the SiC Layer of TRISO Fuel Particles
Oxidation Behavior of TRISO Fuel Materials
Phase-field Modeling of Bubble Growth During High Burn-up Structure Formation in UO2
Radiation Tolerance of Nanoporous Gadolinium Titanate
Radiolytic Damage and Hydrogen Generation at Carbide – Water Interfaces
TEM Characterization of Dislocation Loops in Ion-irradiated Single Crystal ThO2
TMIST-3A Post-irradiation Examination
Towards a Model of Coupled Irradiation and Corrosion

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