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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Light Metal Technology
Presentation Title START: Rio Tinto’s ‘Nutrition Label’ for Sustainable Aluminium
Author(s) Tao Wang
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Tao Wang
Abstract Scope Rio Tinto is an industry leader in sustainable aluminium products. In 2016, it launched the industry's first certified low carbon aluminium, RenewAl™. In 2018, Rio Tinto became the first company to receive the certification from the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI). In 2019, with the launch of ‘Elysis’, Rio Tinto set the goal to industrialize this revolutionary inert anode technology by 2024. Today, Rio Tinto is launching ‘START’, the new sustainable offering for the aluminium industry. START stands for Sustainability, Traceability, and Assurance from Rio Tinto. Using secure blockchain technology, START seamlessly gives customers and end users confidence about where and how the aluminium products they purchase are responsibly made, just like the nutrition label of the material. Relying on the responsible production, Rio Tinto continues to develop aluminium products with high strength, lightweight, and low carbon footprint to support different industries such as automotive, building & constructions, and packaging.


Comparison of Acoustic Softening Phenomenon in Tensile Tests and Incremental Sheet Forming
ECAP Strain Path Effect on Microstructure, Texture, and Mechanical Properties Evolution in Pure Magnesium
Effect of Vacuum Level on Porosity and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloys in High-pressure Die Casting
EPSC Model with Back Stress Development to Capture Multi-strain-path Behavior of AA6016-T4
In-situ Observation the Growth of Fe-rich Phases during Al Alloys Solidification
Lattice Site Correspondence and Morphology of Al6Mn Precipitate
Modeling and Study of the Effect of High Cooling Rates during Crystallization on the Structure and Properties of the Mg-Zr-Nd Alloy Used for Implants
Now On-Demand Only - Diffusion Bonding of Aluminum by applying oscillating Pressure
START: Rio Tinto’s ‘Nutrition Label’ for Sustainable Aluminium
Surface Modification of Steel Shells to Reduce the Use of Release Agents in Twin Roll Casting of Aluminum Alloys
Ultrasonic Effects on Plastic Deformation Behavior of AA2024

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