About this Abstract |
Meeting |
6th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2022)
6th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2022)
Presentation Title |
ICME Modeling of Fabrication of U-10%wt Mo Alloys |
Author(s) |
Ayoub Soulami, William Frazier, Kyoo Sil Choi, Lei Li, Zhijie Xu, Yucheng Fu, Curt Lavender, Vineet Joshi |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Ayoub Soulami |
Abstract Scope |
Low-enriched uranium alloyed with 10wt% molybdenum (U-10Mo) has been recognized as a promising candidate to replace high-enriched uranium fuel due to its ability to meet the neutron flux demands of U.S. high power research reactors. Manufacturing the U-10Mo alloy involves a complex series of thermomechanical processing steps, including homogenization, hot rolling, annealing, cold rolling, and hot isostatic pressing. As part of these fabrication steps, several models have been developed for the individual processes. The interaction and coupling between individual processes use the concept of ICME which aims to bridge the information passing between interacting models and investigates the impact of manufacturing processes on material microstructure evolution. Additionally, sensitivity and data analysis was performed to analyze the influence of the models’ input parameters on the resultant microstructure. It is shown that the implementation of ICME leads to improved predictions, better understanding of microstructure across multiple processes, and more cost-effective development effort. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Definite: Other |