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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advanced Biomaterials for Biomedical Implants
Presentation Title Biocompatibility and Biocorrosion Behavior of Resoloy for Absorbable Vascular Implants
Author(s) Roger J. Guillory II, Petra Maier, Berit Zeller-Plumhoff, Huu Chanh Trinh , Roman Menze
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Roger J. Guillory II
Abstract Scope This study aims to characterize the microstructure, biocorrosion and in vivo biocompatibility behavior of an absorbable magnesium (Mg) alloy for vascular applications (Resoloy, Mg-10Dy-1Nd-1Zn-0.2Zr). Tubes were manufactured, and laser cut into thin wires for implantation in vivo using a mouse abdominal aorta implantation model. Wires were evaluated either as extruded, subjected to heat treatment, or after applying a magnesium fluoride (MgF2) passivation layer. Examination revealed that as extruded wires exhibited a uniform grain structure with non-uniformly distributed second phases, including bulk-LPSO phases. Heat treatment induced LPSO-lamellae within grains without altering the overall grain structure. The as extruded condition exhibited non favorable vascular biocompatibility and highly variable corrosion in vivo, which was largely mitigated by the heat treatment. The MgF2 layer reduced the corrosion rate in vivo and displayed acceptable biocompatibility. Overall, this study determined that the biocompatibility and biocorrosion behavior of Resoloy can be tuned with microstructural and surface treatments.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Biomaterials, Magnesium, Characterization


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