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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Formability and Spring-back Issues in Ultra-high Strength Steels and High Strength Aluminum Alloys
Presentation Title Influence of Yoshida-Uemori Model on Springback Prediction
Author(s) Xavier Lemoine, Jean-Marc Devin
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Xavier Lemoine
Abstract Scope Today, for the prediction of springback, the advanced hardening Yoshida-Uemori model is recommended. This model is a combined hardening model coupled with the elastic evolution modulus which depends on the equivalent plastic strain. It is implemented in the most used FEA stamping codes with occasionally some variations. In order to provide material cards for the FEA stamping codes, ArcelorMittal has at one’s disposal the equipment to perform reverse shear tests and hysteresis loops. An in-house methodology has been developed to identify the Yoshida-Uemori adjusting parameters. The developed identification protocol leads to a set of material parameters improving the springback prediction compared to a purely isotropic hardening model. The results analysis shows that the elastic modulus evolution has an influence on springback prediction of the same order as the combined hardening. A solution is proposed here to improve the elastic modulus evolutive model according to the final stress state after springback.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Iron and Steel, Modeling and Simulation, Shaping and Forming


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