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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Fatigue in Materials: Fundamentals, Multiscale Characterizations and Computational Modeling
Presentation Title Some Hardening and Softening Antagonist Processes Induced by Hydrogen on Cyclic Behavior of Nickel Singe Crystal
Author(s) Guillaume Hachet, Arnaud Metsue, Abdelali Oudriss, Xavier Feaugas
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Xavier Feaugas
Abstract Scope In order to understand the nature of the hydrogen-induced hardening and softening process in f.c.c. metals, a substantial effort was made to determine the effect of hydrogen on the cyclic stress-strain behavior of nickel single crystals. A multi-scale approach allows to evaluate the effects of hydrogen on the mechanical response from the macroscopic scale down to the atomic scale. At the macroscopic scale, cyclic tests are conducted on nickel single crystal with several hydrogen concentrations to evaluate its consequences on the hardening curve, back and effective stresses. Then, microstructural characterization of the dislocations distributions developed is conducted for several plastic deformations on nickel with and without hydrogen. Therefore, the impact of hydrogen on the elastic properties and some dislocations configurations are investigated using atomic scale calculations and specific experiments. We illustrate the hardening and softening antagonist processes associated with hydrogen and formed vacancy by hydrogen incorporation and plastic strain.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


3D Discrete Dislocation Dynamic Modeling on Cyclic Behavior of Cu
A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Fatigue Damage and Crack Initiation Sites in a BCC Steel Microstructure
A Multi-scale Characterization of the Effects of High Altitude Environments on the Damage Structure Evolution during Fatigue Loading of AA7075-T651
Advances in Modeling of Fatigue Thresholds
Atomistic and Dislocation Dynamics Simulations of The Interaction of Dislocations with Twin Boundaries in FCC Alloys
Characterization of Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in CrCoFeNi High Entropy Alloy
Characterization of Fatigue Mechanisms in Nickel Microbeams
Characterization of Fatigue Short Crack Growth in Rare-earth Magnesium Alloy WE43 using High Energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy
Creep-fatigue Behavior of an Advanced Austenitic Stainless Steel (Alloy 709)
Dislocation Patterns and Crack Initiation in Fatigued Nickel Single Crystal Microcrystals: Micro-Scale In-situ Scanning Electron Experiments
Effects of Surface Roughness on Microstructure-sensitive Computations of Fatigue Crack Formation Driving Force in Duplex Ti-6Al-4V and Al 7075-T6
Experimental-numerical Analysis of the Correlation Between the Stress & Strain Fields Induced by the Graphite Particles and the Crack Nucleation and Propagation Path in Ductile Cast Iron
Exploring the Fundamental Role of Dislocation-twin Boundary Interactions in Fatigue
Fatigue Behavior and Modeling of PEEK Polymer under Uniaxial and Multiaxial Loadings
Fatigue Crack Growth in Structural Cast Aluminum Alloys: Microstructural Mechanisms, Modeling Strategies, and Integrated Design
Fatigue Damage Initiation in Nickel Superalloys by Slip Localization and Redistribution
G-12 (Invited): Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in Al-7075 under In-plane Biaxial Loading with Mixed-mode Overloads
G-13: A Microstructural Mechanism for Low-cycle Fatigue in NiTi Shape Memory Alloy
G-14: Analysis of Fatigue Crack Evolution Using In-situ Testing
G-15: Assessing the Influence of Different Forging Process Parameters on the Local Fatigue Properties of a Precipitation Hardening Ferritic-pearlitic Steel
G-16: Bauschinger Effect and Strain Hardening of Polygonal Ferrite and Granular Bainite Occurring during Pipe-forming of Linepipe Steels
G-17: Deformation Mechanism of Nickel-titanium-hafnium Alloys Subjected to Rolling Contact Fatigue Experiments
G-18: Development and Validation of an Accelerated Fatigue Test Method Using Model Dental-composite Restoration
G-20: Effect of Machining and Surface Microstructure in Fatigue Life for Aerospace Titanium Alloys
G-21: Elucidating the Effect of High Altitude Environments on the Fatigue Life of 7075-T651 Aluminum Alloy Determined by Using AFGROW Modeling
G-22: Fatigue Behavior and Analysis of Heavy Duty Riveted Steel Grating
G-23: Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in Al-7075 under In-plane Biaxial Loading with Mixed-mode Overloads
G-24: Influence of the Loading Frequency on the Fatigue Behavior of Different Steels
G-25: Low-cycle Fatigue Modeling of Aluminum Landing Mat Connection System
G-27: Review of Surface Deformation Strengthening on the Fatigue Behavior of Metal Material
Impact of Temperature and Microstructure on Dwell Fatigue in Near-alpha Titanium Alloys
In-situ Characterization and Modelling of Cyclic Deformation in Rare-earth Magnesium Alloys
In-situ X-ray Microtomography to Elucidate Corrosion-fatigue Mechanisms in Aluminum Alloys
Macrozones and Dwell Fatigue Failure on a Near-α Titanium Alloy
Marked 2-point Spatial Correlations of Microstructure Neighborhoods Surrounding Fatigue Hot-spots in Ti-6Al-4V
Mechanical and Actuation Fatigue in Ni-Rich NiTiHf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys
Micromechanical Modeling of Copper under Very High Cycle Fatigue
Micromechanics-based Effect of Defects Models for Ellipsoidal Anomalies
Microstructure-interacting Short Crack Growth in Blocky Alpha Zircaloy-4
Microstructure-sensitive Evaluation of the Cyclic Behavior of Additively Manufactured Metals
Mission Loading Effects on Small Crack Growth in an Alpha+Beta Titanium Alloy
Moving Cracks Form White Etching Areas During Rolling Contact Fatigue in Bearings
Multi-scale Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification of Fatigue Crack Nucleation in Titanium Alloys with Parametrically Homogenized Constitutive Models
Multiscale Analysis of Fatigue Crack Initiation in Stainless Steel 316L
Oxygen, α2, Macrozones and Dwell Fatigue Initiation in α-Ti
Probabilistic Dwell Fatigue Life Prediction of Microtextured Ti-6Al-4V
Propositions for Functional Fatigue and Fatigue-crack Initiation in Shape Memory Alloys
Quantitative Characterization and Multi-scale Modeling of the Effects of Porosity on Fatigue Life in Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloys
Some Hardening and Softening Antagonist Processes Induced by Hydrogen on Cyclic Behavior of Nickel Singe Crystal
Statistical Modeling of Censored Life Data
The Dislocation Configurational Energy for the Prediction of Fatigue Crack Nucleation: An Integrated Experimental and Computational Study
The Effect of Molecular Transport on the Environmentally Assisted Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Aerospace Al-alloys in High Altitude Environments
Unraveling Cyclic Deformation Mechanisms of a Precipitate-strengthened Magnesium Alloy using In-situ Neutron Diffraction
Variable Amplitude Fatigue Analysis Through an Approach based in the Equivalent Number of Cycles
Volumetric Defect Quantification of Pure Aluminum During Fatigue Loading Below the Yield Stress
Watching High-cycle Fatigue in Nanocrystalline Pt and Pt-Au

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