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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Validation of Computational Tools - Industrial Perspectives
Presentation Title Modeling of Microstructure Evolution during Multi-Pass Hot-Rolling of 316L Stainless Steel
Author(s) Goran Kugler, David Bombač, Milan Tercelj, Tomaž Šuštar, Primož Šuštarič, Noel Gregori, Jan Foder, Boštjan Bradaškja, Boštjan Pirnar, Robert Robič, Mojca Loncnar
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Goran Kugler
Abstract Scope A physical-based model for simulations of microstructure evolution during hot-rolling of various steel grades has been developed consisting of two coupled modules. In the first one the finite element method is used to obtain macroscale thermomechanical parameters that include temperature, strain and strain rate at selected locations on cross section of hot rolled plates that are the input parameters for the microstructure model the is based on the mean field approach considering the evolution of an ensemble of multiple grains. The strain hardening and DRV of grains has been described by the KM model. The model enables simulations of DRX during plastic deformation and SRX and/or MDRX and GG after straining. Experiments composed of compression tests were performed to obtain parameters of the model. In this contribution, we present the results of model validation on industrially hot rolled AISI316L stainless steel plates, based on extensive industrial measurements and microstructural characterizations.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Iron and Steel, ICME, Modeling and Simulation


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Microstructure-Informed Multiscale Structural Analysis and Design Software for Additively Manufactured Metal Alloys
Modeling of Microstructure Evolution during Multi-Pass Hot-Rolling of 316L Stainless Steel
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Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of the Vacuum Arc Remelting Process
Process Modeling for Predicting Microstructure and Properties of Investment-cast Ni-based Superalloy
The Evolution of ICME in the Aerospace Industry: Past, Present, and Future
The Role of Process Variability within ICME Tool Development for Aerospace Turbine Applications
Validation of Electro-Slag Remelting Process Simulations for the Production of Commercial HAYNES® 282® Alloy Ingots
Validation of Microstructure Evolution and Strength Prediction Models on Two Commercial Gamma-Prime Strengthened Ni-base Superalloys

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