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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Special Topics in Nuclear Materials: Lessons Learned; Non-Energy Systems; and Coupled Extremes
Presentation Title In-situ Electron Microscopy Characterization of Deformation Mechanisms of Inconel 718 Irradiated with Simultaneous High Energy Protons and Spallation Neutrons
Author(s) Timothy G. Lach, Maxim Gussev, Soyoung Kang, Nan Li, Joshua Kacher, David McClintock
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Timothy G. Lach
Abstract Scope Simultaneous high-energy proton and spallation neutron irradiation is unique from fission and fusion neutron irradiation but offers insights into material behavior in nuclear energy environments. In addition to recoil damage at moderate temperatures (~100°C), transmutation reactions produce large levels of He/H. The 316L SS target module and Inconel 718 proton beam window at the Spallation Neutron Source at ORNL are irradiated in these unique environments during operation. During ex-situ mechanical testing with digital image correlation, the materials exhibited unique mechanical behavior in the form of travelling wave deformation and recovery of ductility with increasing dose. To better understand the mechanisms, in-situ electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) mechanical testing was used to probe how the materials’ mechanical behavior evolves with increasing radiation dose and increasing levels of transmutation He/H. The interaction of defects and stored He/H at the nanoscale, and their effects on mechanical behavior will be discussed.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Nuclear Materials, Mechanical Properties, Characterization


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In-situ Electron Microscopy Characterization of Deformation Mechanisms of Inconel 718 Irradiated with Simultaneous High Energy Protons and Spallation Neutrons
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Materials Research for High-Power Accelerator Beam-Intercepting Devices
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Post Irradiation Examination and Administrative Lifetime Limits of Highly Irradiated Components at The Spallation Neutron Source
Small Scale Tests, Big Lessons Learned

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