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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Emergent Materials under Extremes and Decisive In Situ Characterizations
Presentation Title Technology Development of In-situ Corrosion Kinetics and Salt Property Measurements
Author(s) Li Liu, Jinghua Feng, Kemal Ramic
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Li Liu
Abstract Scope In Concentrating Solar Power, we are developing neutron measurements for in-situ interface corrosion kinetics and molten salt properties. This research will provide fundamental data for material selection including the molten salt systems for both nuclear and solar applications. The presentation will focus on the development of in-situ neutron techniques for fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of molten salt corrosion, and the micro-structural response of containment alloys thereto, to measure the surface corrosion kinetics. We are working on realization and initial application of in-situ techniques for measuring molten salt fundamental properties including molten salt structure, dynamics, and salt density, etc. and the micro-structural and -chemical response of containment alloys to corrosive molten salt environments. While we are designing and manufacturing sample environments for harsh environments (high temperature and corrosive), they will provide great first-of-the-kind experimental data for molten salt systems.


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Investigations of Materials under Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Using Synchrotron and Complementary Techniques
Technology Development of In-situ Corrosion Kinetics and Salt Property Measurements

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