About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Deformation and Transitions at Grain Boundaries VII
Presentation Title |
Grain Boundary Spinodals: The Role of the Interface Stiffness in Grain Boundary Dynamical Processes |
Author(s) |
Fadi Abdeljawad, Robert Moore, Timothy Beecroft |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Fadi Abdeljawad |
Abstract Scope |
Many materials phenomena are classified as moving boundary problems. Of particular interest are ones involving the motion of grain boundaries (GBs) when subjected to external fields. When solving such problems at the mesoscale, sharp interface equations are derived to describe GB dynamics, in which the interface properties serve as key input parameters. Through theoretical analysis and atomistic simulations, we show that when considering the GB plane normal degrees of freedom, the interface stiffness plays a paramount role in a wide range of processes, including dislocation nucleation, GB migration, and re-construction processes. It is shown for several GBs that the interface stiffness is much larger in magnitude and more anisotropic than the energy itself. On the whole, our analysis provides future avenues to explore the role of GB plane normal in GB dynamical processes. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume |