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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Segregation in Steels
Presentation Title Measurement of Microsegregation of Mn, Cr and Nb Through the Thickness of an As-Cast X70 Microalloyed Steel Slab Using EMPA
Author(s) Rishav Raj, J. B. Wiskel, Michael Gaudet, Bikram Konar, Julien Zollinger, Pusong Wang, Hani Henein
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Hani Henein
Abstract Scope The through thickness microsegregation of Mn, Cr and Nb in a 250 mm thick as-cast X70 microalloyed steel slab and directionally solidified Bridgman samples was quantified using electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) of point scans and grayscale mapping. The primary dendrite arm spacing (PDAS) through the slab thickness was determined from EMPA point scans and was used to predict the solidification cooling rates. The PDAS was found to vary from 300 to 1200 µm. An effective partition coefficient value for each element was calculated from the grayscale mapping data and was compared with DICTRA simulations of microsegregation. The measured and predicted microsegregation values compared favourably for Mn, however, a larger difference between the measured and the predicted values for Cr and Nb were observed. Simulations conducted using modified diffusion coefficients for Cr and Nb resulted in an improved fit between the measured and predicted microsegregation data.


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Measurement of Microsegregation of Mn, Cr and Nb Through the Thickness of an As-Cast X70 Microalloyed Steel Slab Using EMPA

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