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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Thermodynamic Properties, Structure and Phase Stabilities of Special Alloys
Presentation Title Determination of the Activation Energy of the Formation of Intermetallic Compounds in the Ni-Al and Ti-Al System Upon Receipt of Special Alloys
Author(s) Borys Sereda, Dmytro Sereda, Yuriy Belokon, Ivan Babko
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Borys Sereda
Abstract Scope In work the two methods for activation energy determination at the intermetallics formation are considered: theoretical calculation method based on the results of thermodynamic analysis during SHS-reactions and experimental method based on the study of the kinetics formation in intermetallic phases. It is established that the activation energies for the Ni-Al and Ti-Al systems are ~45 and ~82 kJ/mol respectively. It is shown that the difference between the values of activation energies obtained by two different methods does not exceed 5 %. The obtained results can be used for further calculations of reactions in the physicochemical model in intermetallide systems upon receipt of special alloys of the Ni-Al and Ti-Al systems formed under non-stationary temperature conditions.


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Introductory Comments: Thermodynamic Properties, Structure and Phase Stabilities of Special Alloys
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