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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Additive Manufacturing of Metals: Complex Microstructures and Architecture Design
Presentation Title Cracking in Additively Manufactured Refractory Metals
Author(s) Elizabeth Ellis, Yousub Lee, Michael Kirka
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Elizabeth Ellis
Abstract Scope Additive manufacturing of refractory metals is an area of growing interest and may open new design avenues in energy production technologies such as nuclear fission and fusion. However, refractory metals such as tungsten and molybdenum are difficult to process using additive techniques due to their high melting point, high thermal conductivity, and brittle nature. While previous work has shown that it is possible to produce fully dense material via additive manufacturing by careful control of process parameters, cracking has proven more difficult to eliminate. In this work, molybdenum is used as a model material to explore cracking behavior in powder bed fusion of refractory metals, with a special focus on electron beam melting. Cracking mechanisms are summarized, and process-structure-property relations exploring the effects of build parameters on cracking behavior are presented. Recommendations for crack reduction in additively manufactured refractory metals are given.


Additive Manufacturing of Pure Magnesium
Alloy and Process Modification for Microstructure Control in Additively Manufactured Alloys
Application of Photodiode Sensor for Contour Extraction of Part Features in the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process
Control of Nanoscale Lamellae in Bulk Al-Cu Eutectic Samples Through Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Cracking in Additively Manufactured Refractory Metals
Engineering the Plasticity of SLM Steel via Crystallographic Texture Control
Evaluation of Microstructure in Multi Bead Ti-6Al-4V
Fabrication of High Temperature High Strength Austenitic Steels by Laser Powder-bed Fusion
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Single-crystalline-like Stainless Steel 316L; From Samples to Parts
Microstructural Features and Mechanical Properties of a Newly Designed Steel Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Microstructure of Alloy 247LC Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Mitigating Stray Grain Nucleation during the Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Single Crystal CMSX-4
Modeling of Grain Growth in Metal Printing
Secondary Orientation Preference of Ni-based Superalloy Single Crystals Produced via Electron Beam Melting
Synchrotron X-ray Studies on Additive Manufacturing and Materials
The Structure of Cellular Features in Additively Manufactured 316L

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