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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Coatings to Protect Materials from Extreme Environments
Presentation Title Obtaining Wear-resistant Titanium Coatings in SHS Conditions
Author(s) Borys Sereda, Dmytro Sereda, Irina Palehova
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Borys Sereda
Abstract Scope Offered promising methods of applying protective wear-resistant coatings - technology for producing powder coatings by in a high-temperature synthesis (SHS). This kind of protection is the most promising and less costly, since it does not require changes in the technology of materials. For parts operating under conditions of wear, alternating loads, high temperatures, speeds and pressures, as well as aggressive corrosive environments, the properties of the surface layer are of great importance. In work with the use of mathematical modeling, optimal compositions of SHS blends have been developed to produce titanium-chromium coatings that positively affect the properties of the resulting coatings operating in extreme conditions. A thermodynamic analysis was performed to calculate the equilibrium state of the reaction products in multicomponent powder systems. The research results are due to an increase in the microhardness of the layer surface by 1.8-2.1 times.


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Novel Multiscale Shear Adhesion Testing of Thermal Barrier Coatings
Obtaining Surface Coatings Providing Protection Against High Temperatures in the Production of Coke
Obtaining Wear-resistant Titanium Coatings in SHS Conditions
Real-time Observation of Impact Damage in Coated Silicon Carbide (SiC)

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