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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Accelerated Discovery and Insertion of Next Generation Structural Materials
Presentation Title A High-throughput Setup for Materials Exposure to Simultaneous Irradiation-corrosion Conditions
Author(s) Franziska Schmidt, Hyosim Kim, Yongqiang Wang, Peter Hosemann
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Franziska Schmidt
Abstract Scope The development of new materials suitable for irradiation-corrosion environments, such as nuclear reactors, requires extensive testing of proposed alloy compositions. Simultaneous irradiation-corrosion experiments are notoriously complicated, especially if repeatable quantitative results are desired to inform machine learning approaches. We propose a high-throughput approach for such experiments for thin (<10 µm) bulk samples or deposited thin-films. This is achieved by reducing the corrosive-medium volume, which allows us to produce tens of samples per irradiation, compared to one sample per experiment in similar recent work. A major disadvantage is that the achievable total dpa is inevitably low (<<0.1 dpa). However, the goal is to eliminate those alloys that show unsuitable performance, even at low dpa levels. In this talk, we will show initial results of Fe and stainless steel corrosion by lead-bismuth eutectic under simultaneous proton irradiation and discuss the applicability of this method for other corrosive media.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Nuclear Materials, Iron and Steel, Thin Films and Interfaces


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A High-throughput Setup for Materials Exposure to Simultaneous Irradiation-corrosion Conditions
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