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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Mechanics and Physiological Adaptation of Hard and Soft Biomaterials and Biological Tissues
Presentation Title Multi-scale Characterization of Ear Bone Mechanics
Author(s) Alessandra Carriero
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Alessandra Carriero
Abstract Scope Bone is the major component of the human body, operating as its protective load-bearing framework, but also as fundamental parts of its auditory system that through vibrations and conduction allow hearing. Composition and structure of the bone over many length-scales are responsible for its strength, toughness, ability to adapt to mechanical loads and thus capacity to transfer sound to the brain. Aging, disease and abnormal loads on bone alter its composition and disrupt its hierarchical structure, affecting bone’s mechanical environment and biological properties, thus increasing its vulnerability to fractures and deformities that in turn generate disabilities, such as reduced mobility and hearing loss. We examined ear bone structure, composition and mechanics at multiple length scales, in order to determine how small changes at the molecular level in osteogenesis imperfecta (OI or brittle bone disease) drastically ramifies at larger length scales, resulting in auditory impairments.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:


Adaptation of Hard and Soft Tissues Structures to Physiological Loading Patterns
Bone's Adaptation to Hyperglycemia in Diabetes
Bone Adaptation as a Response to Mechanical Loading in Zebrafish
Bone Quality and Mineralization from Vibrational Spectroscopy
Impact of Test Environment on the Fracture Resistance of Cortical Bone
Learning from Nature - How Biological Hard Tissues Cope with Stress
Materials for Mechanochemistry and Mechanobiology
Mechanics and Applications of Bioinspired Bioadhesives for Tissue Repair
Mimicking the Structure and Properties of Bone with Freeze Casting
Mineral Ellipsoids and Nanochannel Structures in Bone
Multi-scale Characterization of Ear Bone Mechanics

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