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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advanced Characterization Techniques for Quantifying and Modeling Deformation
Presentation Title A Crystal Plasticity Model with Intragranular Heterogeneity – Application to Steel Forming
Author(s) Carlos N. Tome, Anirban Patra
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Carlos N. Tome
Abstract Scope A dislocation-density-based crystal plasticity constitutive model for glide kinetics and hardening is implemented in the effective medium Visco-Plastic Self Consistent (VPSC) framework. A distribution of intragranular stresses is introduced in the VPSC code, instead of the conventionally used mean value of grain stress. In order to obtain the parameters describing the distribution of intragranular stresses within grains the model is calibrated for a bcc ferritic steel with an initial rolled texture using a finite element crystal plasticity (CP-FE) framework. Simulations are performed for initially textured and random aggregates. The novelty of the work is that when the same constitutive model and associated parameters are implemented in VPSC and CP-FE both approaches predict the same aggregate stress-strain response and total dislocation densities. The resulting tool has the computational efficiency of the VPSC formulation while accounting for intragranular microstructure through the information provided by the more computationally intensive CP-FE approach.
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3D Indentation of Metallic Composites to Study the Effects of Particle Shape and Particle Orientation
A Crystal Plasticity Model with Intragranular Heterogeneity – Application to Steel Forming
A Novel Multi-Scale Characterization Approach for the Development of Advanced Nanocomposite Ceramics with Improved Toughness
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An Integrated Experimental - PRISMS-Plasticity Study of Geometrically Necessary Dislocation Density Development in Mg Alloys.
Application of an Iterative Optimization Algorithm on Residual Strain Extraction from Electron Backscatter Diffraction Patterns
Assessing Intragranular Orientations and Slip Processes during Cyclic Loading Using Crystal Plasticity and High-Energy X-Ray Microscopy
Assessing Local Deformation in Polycrystalline Materials Using HR-EBSD, ECCI and HR-DIC
Characterization of the Impact of Hydrogen Concentration on the Plastic Behavior of Pure Nickel Using In-Situ X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy
Combining Dark Field X-ray Microscopy and Computational Approaches to Study Dislocation Dynamics
Comparison of Deformation Behavior in L-PBF Ni-based Superalloy with Different Preheating Temperatures: Insights from As-Built and HIP States Via In-Situ Synchrotron Tensile Testing
Crystal Plasticity Modeling of BCC Metals with Novel Treatment for Dislocation Mobility and Cross-Slip
Crytal Orientation Dependence of Dislocation Structure in Tensile-Deformed High Purity Iron
Damage Nucleation at High Temperatures in OFHC Cu Under Impacts
Deformation Mechanisms of Dual-Textured Mg-6.5Zn Alloy with Low Tension-Compression Asymmetry: Experiments and Simulations
Deformation Micromechanisms in Different Generation Ni-Based Single Crystal Superalloys During Tensile Testing
Dislocation Analysis in Fatigue Tested AISI 316L Stainless Steel
Dislocation Drag at Ultra-High Strain Rates Up to 109 s-1
Dynamic Behavior of Materials Using Modified RMI Test
Effect of Temperature and Composition on Plastic Deformation Localization in Solid Solution-Strengthened FCC Alloys
Enhancing Q&T Steels Toughness: Precision Crafting of Nano Scale Cu-Precipitates by optimizing heat treatment parameters
Evaluating the Precursors of Particle Fracture in Al Alloys Via High-Resolution EBSD
Evaluation of Machining Deformation in High Temperature Superalloys Using Grazing-Incidence X-Ray Diffraction Methods
Evolution of Internal Strain During Cyclic Deformation of Aluminum Studied by High-Resolution Reciprocal Space Mapping and Large-Strain Elasto-Viscoplastic Fast Fourier Transformation Simulation
Formation and Evolution of Dislocation Cells During Plastic Deformation
Fully Coupled Thermomechanical Crystal Plasticity Framework for Analyzing Micromechanical Fields in Additive Manufacturing
How to Make Material Textures Amenable to Analysis by Neural Networks
Illuminating Ductile Failure Via X-Ray Diffraction-Based Imaging
Imaging Defects at the Mesoscale Using a Direct EBSD Detector
In-Situ Deformation Studies with 3D Laue X-Ray Microdiffraction
In-Situ TKD Nano-tensile Testing: Unveiling Nanoscale Crystal Plasticity, TWIP, and TRIP
Investigating and Validating the Persistence of Deformation Twinning in Haynes ® 244 ®
Investigating Texture Effects on Wear Resistance in Cu Alloys: A Multi-Scale Analysis
Investigating Twinnability in BCC Metals using Molecular Dynamics, Virtual Texture, and Virtual Diffraction
Length-Scale Effects on Geometrically Necessary Dislocation Characterization in Aluminum 6016 Using HR-EBSD
Machine Learning of Dislocation Microstructure from High-Resolution Differential-Aperture X-Ray Structural Microscopy Data
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Microstructural Evolution in OFHC Copper During Dynamic Tensile Extrusion: The Role of Temperature
Microstructural Investigation of Strained Aluminum with External Electrical Pulses by Using an Electrical-Straining Stage in TEM
Microstructure Evolution in Quenched and Tempered (Q&T) Low Carbon Steel Under High Strain Rate Shear Deformation
Modeling of the Thermo-Mechanical Response and Texture Evolution of AA6016 and Uranium Using a Strain Gradient Elasto-Plastic Self-Consistent Formulation
Modeling the Physical Process of Adiabatic Shear Banding
Multi-Scale Characterization of 3D Printable CrCoNi-Based ODS-MPEAs by Methods of Advanced Stereo-STEM Cross-Correlated with EDS – Resourcing Experimental Data to Act as Potential Input into the Quantitative Models
Nanomechanical Responses and Deformation Mechanisms of Pure Magnesium Via Nanoindentation
Observation of As-Quenched DU-6wt%Nb Microstructure by Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction
On-Site Characterization of Single-Crystal Elastic Moduli Via High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy and Synthetic Polycrystalline Modeling
On the Inverse Problem of Recovering Admissible Intragranular Strain Fields from High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction Data
On the Role of Geometrically Necessary Dislocations in Void Formation and Growth in Response to Shock Loading Conditions in Wrought and Additively Manufactured Ta
On the Strain Rate and Temperature Dependence of the Flow Stress Behaviour of DS Nb-Modified Mar-M247 Superalloy
Oxygen, a Strengthening and Embrittling Element for Titanium Inherited from High Temperature Oxidation: A Multimodal Framework Using High Speed Nanoindentation Mapping
Predicting Strength in Steel Wire Welds Using Three-Dimensional Pore Porosity Measurements
Quantifying and Differentiating Metal Nanoparticle Deformation Mechanisms in Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Rate-Dependent Serration Flow and Mechanical Properties of High Manganese Steel at 15 K
Rationalizing Multiple Characterization Approaches for Determining Active Slip Systems in Ti-6-4
Recrystallization of Nano-Crystalline Material Enhancing Lattice Kinetics with Potential for Enhanced Plastic Deformation
Revealing Dislocations Using Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging and Diffraction in Olivine
Role of Slip-Twin Interactions on the Evolution of Deformation Twinning Microstructures in Hexagonal Close-Packed Metals
Screening for Tensile Ductility and Other Bulk Mechanical Properties Via Scratch Analysis
Slip System Activities in BCC Ta Revealed Via Nanoindentation and Micropillar Compression: Experiments and Crystal Plasticity Simulations
Study of Strain Localization and Crystal Reorientation at the Early Stage of Plastic Deformation Using Laser Confocal Microscopy, EBD and DCT-6D
Texture Based Reference Frame Alignment
The Application of Digital Image Correlation to In Situ TEM Deformation Investigations
The Impact of Ultrafine Grain Size on ZnAlAg Alloy on Hall-Petch Effect Under Severe Compression Process
The Influence of Yttrium Segregation on the Grain Boundary Plasticity of PolycrystallineMg Alloys Using Nanoindentation and In Situ SEM Tensile Testing Combined with HR-EBSD
The Morphology of Three-Dimensional Twin Networks in Ti: Connectivity Between Twins and Mechanical Incompatibilities
The Role of 3D-Deformation Twin Networks on the Plastic Deformation Behaviors of Titanium
Three-Dimensional Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Simulations in Pure Titanium
Transformation-Assisted Twin Nucleation in Metals
Transmission Electron Microscopy Characterization of Deformation Features in Refractory High Entropy Alloys
Twin Nucleation at Grain Boundaries in Mg Analyzed Through In Situ Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction and High-Resolution Digital Image Correlation
Validation of Damage Mechanisms in Carbon Foam Using Finite Element Analysis for Tensile Loading

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