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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Microstructure, Defects, and Properties
Presentation Title Influence of Printing Parameters on the High Strain Rate Characteristics of Hybrid-Manufactured Components for Tooling Application
Author(s) Coleman Buchanan, Pedro Cortes, Bharat Yelamanchi, Andrew Prokop, John Carballo, Constantin V. Solomon
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Coleman Buchanan
Abstract Scope This work investigates the high strain rate mechanical behavior of hybrid-manufactured steel repaired using laser hot wire deposition (HWD). The HWD hybrid-manufacturing process involves the laser deposition of wire followed by rectification with subtractive tooling to provide a level surface for further deposition. Tooling repaired with this process can be subjected to impact and other intense loading. A Mazak VC-500A/5X AM HWD was used for producing samples. Roboweld 635 steel wire is used for its availability as wire stock. Compressive coupons were retrieved from 25mm cubes for testing. The Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar technique was used to investigate high strain rate properties in dynamic compressive loading and determines the modulus of elasticity, yield strength, and a stress-strain curve at a particular strain rate. The resulting strain rate dependent mechanical behavior will be correlated to the printing parameters, microstructure, and chemical composition using optical and scanning electron microscopy, XRF, EDS, and XRD.


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Influence of Printing Parameters on the High Strain Rate Characteristics of Hybrid-Manufactured Components for Tooling Application
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Non-Destructive 3D Structure Studies of Additive Manufactured Materials Using X-Ray Computed Tomography
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The Effect of Scan Rotation Angle and Build Orientation-Induced Mechanical Anisotropy in Additive Manufacturing 316L Stainless Steel
Towards More Consistent Microstructures in Laser Powder Bed Fusion 17-4 PH Stainless Steel

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