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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Verification, Calibration, and Validation Approaches in Modeling the Mechanical Performance of Metallic Materials
Presentation Title Microstructure Dependence of Spall Failure in Mg-Al Alloys at Extreme Strain Rates
Author(s) Debjoy Mallick
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Debjoy Mallick
Abstract Scope Spall failure is a dynamic failure mechanism which limits material performance at high strain rates, but our understanding of the influence of microstructure on the spall strength is limited. Some models suggest that increasing the static yield strength may improve the spall strength. However, processing steps that might increase the static yield strength may also affect the quantity of failure nucleation sites in the material, causing deleterious effects on spall resistance. Here, we examine the spall failure of various Mg-Al systems with model microstructures through high-throughput laser-driven micro-flyer (LDMF) impact experiments. Various processing techniques are used to create distinct microstructures and the spall response of these are compared to that of their as-cast counterparts. The spall strength is observed to be critically undermined by the presence of precipitates in the microstructure, as a result of processing techniques used to increase static yield strength.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Mechanical Properties, Characterization


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