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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Alloys III
Presentation Title Design of a High Strength, High Electrical Conductivity and High Thermostability Twitch Aluminum Alloy
Author(s) Maria Ioanna Tzini, Gregory Olson
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Maria Ioanna Tzini
Abstract Scope Recycling of aluminum alloys is the best practice to reduce the carbon footprint of automotive aluminum products, however the aluminum scrap, “twitch”, is contaminated with impurity elements and the cost of recycling techniques is significantly high. In parallel, the U.S. electricity delivery system undergoes changes to improve its reliability and resilience to extreme weather conditions. The design of a novel thermostable aluminum-based conductor for overhead transmission lines utilizing high volumes of aluminum twitch is a promising solution and a cost competitive way to recyclability. In the present study, CALPHAD-based ICME tools are employed for the design of an aluminum cable conductor with high strength, high electrical conductivity, and high thermostability via melt-spinning and high temperature aging. A hierarchical system-based approach is adopted, and the thermodynamic calculations are aided by DFT databases to design novel intermetallic compounds supporting new classes of aluminum alloys compatible with recycling of automotive scrap.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Aluminum, Computational Materials Science & Engineering, ICME


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Design of a High Strength, High Electrical Conductivity and High Thermostability Twitch Aluminum Alloy
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Global Stability Models of Multi-Principal Element Alloys
Improved Understanding of the Time-Temperature-Transformation (TTT) Characteristics of the CrMnFeCoNi High-Entropy Alloy
Integration of Large-Language Model and CALPHAD for Alloy Design Hypothesis Generation
Mechanisms of Tribolayer Breakdown During Frictional Ignition in High-Pressure Oxygen
Prediction of the Composition for the Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni High-Entropy Alloys by the CALPHAD Method and Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Site Preferences and Ordering in Nb-Al-M (M = Ni or Cu) Ternary Laves Phases
The Interplay of Defects and Recovery in High Entropy Alloys
The Language of Metals: Understanding the Interplay Between Data, Scientists, and Materials Design
Thermodynamic Assessment of the fcc/hcp Transformation in Fe-Mn Alloys
Uncertainty-Guided Determination of a Thermodynamic Database for Compositionally Complex UHTC Transition Metal Carbides
Understanding Aging Behavior in 6xxx Alloys Using Advanced Characterization Techniques
Understanding the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Microstructural Evolution and Resultant Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Processed Al7xxx Alloy

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