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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Thermodynamics of Materials in Extreme Environments
Presentation Title Expanding Metastability Beyond Glasses and Undercooled States in Metals
Author(s) Martin Thuo, Andrew Martin, Alana Pauls
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Andrew Martin
Abstract Scope A recent publication on the Kauzmann paradox suggests that it is an unresolvable challenge. Here we argue and demonstrate that a narrow view of the thermodynamic free energy space hinders resolution of this entropy paradox. Starting with the undercooled metal particles, we demonstrate that processing and in situ generated stressors can affect free energy of phase transition allowing us to perturb and produce an array of metastable soft metals at the microscale. Felicitous choice of stimuli allows us to ‘walk’ metal particles along their relaxation path. Investigation of the associate entropy and Ehrenfest discontinuities implies that these metastable states undergo higher order phase transitions. We adopt a simple heuristic model to predict progress towards design rules that can abet expansion of the metastable materials state into at least three-dimensional space, with potential for higher dimensions.


A Generalized Approach for Rapid Entropy Calculation of Liquids and Solids
A Thermodynamic Equation of Motion for Coupled Transport in Magnetite
An Investigation of the Structure-Property Relations of Tunnel Structured Oxides
Atomic-Scale Structural Analysis of Metastable Zirconia
Computationally Guided Synthesis of MXenes by Dry Selective Extraction
Defect Thermodynamics and Its Role in the Irradiation Response of Nuclear Fuels
Dissipative Kinetic Models: Do we Require Deeper Understanding of Local Thermodynamics?
Electrochemical Determination of Thermodynamic Properties of Ni(II) in FLiNaK Molten Salt
Expanding Metastability Beyond Glasses and Undercooled States in Metals
Exploring Actinide Molten Salts with Density Functional Theory
H-16: Thermodynamic Characteristics of Special Alloys of the Ti-Al system Formed During the Synthesis Process
H-17: Thermodynamic Modeling During Synthesis in Ni-Al and Ti-Al Systems
Hase-Field Model of Solid Stoichiometric Compounds and Solution Phases
Implementing Models for High-Throughput CALPHAD Modeling of Molten Salts with Uncertainty Quantification
Magnetic Properties of Non-Crystalline Ho2Ti2O7 Pyrochlore Prepared by Far-From-Equilibrium Processing
Non-Ideal Mixing in Entropy Stabilized Oxides
Predictive Modeling of the Structure and Thermodynamics of Molten Salts
Quantifying the Athermal Effect of Electric Current on Solid-Solid Phase Transformation of Titanium
Thermochemistry of RE2O3-P2O5 Systems
Thermodynamic Modeling of Molten Salt for Nuclear Applications: Challenges and Opportunities

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