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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advanced Materials for Harsh Environments
Presentation Title Impact of Intermediate Ratio on the Corrosion Between Interface of Alumino-silicate Glasses and Crofer 22APU/YSZ
Author(s) Gurbinder Kaur
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Gurbinder Kaur
Abstract Scope Seals are required to prevent mixing and fuel leakage of gases during operation of the planar solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The glass/glass ceramics are appropriate candidates as sealant materials because attributed to their superior properties and compatibility with adjacent SOFC components at its working temperature (800–1000 °C). As seals are continuously exposed to a robust environment, they should also be hermetic and electrically insulating. The typical corrosion at the interface occurs due to the chromate and zirconate formation, which are detrimental phases formed during the prolonged heat treatment. Hence, for the uninterrupted functioning of SOFC, these corrosion issues should be addressed. For the present study, the diffusion couples of glass seals with interconnect/electrolyte have been prepared using the sandwich methodology followed by heat-treatment in the tubular furnace at temperature above the glass softening temperature (from 0-900oC) for 1000 h. To gain insight into the interfacial corrosion for the seal/interconnect/electrolyte couple, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and dot-mapping techniques have been widely used. The interfacial study has revealed good chemical compatibility though the diffusion of elements has occurred on either side of the interface.


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Impact of Intermediate Ratio on the Corrosion Between Interface of Alumino-silicate Glasses and Crofer 22APU/YSZ
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