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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Segregation in Steels
Presentation Title Characterization and Modeling of Solute Segregation at Grain and Interphase Boundaries in Steel
Author(s) Goro Miyamoto, Yongjie Zhang, Bohao Zheng, Tadashi Furuhara
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Goro Miyamoto
Abstract Scope Solute segregation at grain boundaries (GBs) and interphase boundaries (IBs) significantly impacts the mechanical properties of steels by influencing GB embrittlement or strengthening and phase transformation kinetics. Despite the importance of these phenomena, systematic experimental investigations into the segregation of carbon at GBs and substitutional solutes at IBs have been limited due to technical challenges. Solute segregations are quantified using a three-dimensional atom probe coupled with site-specific micro-sampling techniques. The measured segregation of carbon at random GBs aligns well with the equilibrium compositions of the GB phase as approximated by liquid phase thermodynamics. This model also predicts the segregation energies for molybdenum, manganese, and nickel at IBs. These findings suggest that liquid phase thermodynamics can effectively model the thermodynamics at random GBs and IBs. Additionally, topological analysis reveals significant congruence between the atomic configurations of random GBs and the liquid phase, validating the liquid phase approximation for GB analysis.


Characterization and Modeling of Solute Segregation at Grain and Interphase Boundaries in Steel
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Influence of Boron Segregation on Sigma Phase Formation in Duplex Steels
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