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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium DMMM5: A Decade of Creating Inclusion and Belonging for Diversity in the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Professions
Presentation Title Best Practices for Resume Review and Hiring Panels—Hands on Activity
Author(s) Lauren M. Garrison
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Lauren M. Garrison
Abstract Scope You may have encountered training or information on unconscious or implicit bias, but an often-missing aspect is how to put those concepts into practice. We will do a guided, small group activity of a mock resume review to select candidates for an example materials scientist job opening. Through this activity, we will encourage participants to be introspective and consider some of their own unconscious biases. Also, participants will learn best practices for fair and equitable hiring procedures that can be implemented in their home institutions. This activity will complement the earlier talk in this session on implicit bias but attending that is not required for participating in the activity. People at any career stage, from student to senior professional, who want to improve the diversity and inclusion at their institution, can benefit from participation.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


A Decade of DMMM Impact
Best Practices for Resume Review and Hiring Panels—Hands on Activity
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Creating a Trauma Informed Environment: A Survivors Perspective
Going International
Materials Research in Industry
Professional Development as a Structural Materials Researcher
Which Faculty Diversity Programs Work? Evidence From 600 Colleges and Universities

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