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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Computation Assisted Materials Development for Improved Corrosion Resistance
Presentation Title Fundamental Design of Alloys Resistant to H-embrittlement: Simulation Insights on Nanoscale H-defects Interactions
Author(s) Matthew Melfi, S. Mohadeseh Taheri-Mousavi
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Matthew Melfi
Abstract Scope Revealing Hydrogen-defect interactions provides insights on significant ductility loss due to the particular strain partitioning in H-charged structural alloys. Experimental investigation of these interactions are extremely difficult, labor intensive, and costly. This limitation motivates the development of simulation models to study nanoscale interactions. Using hybridization and parallelization of molecular dynamics and grand canonical Monte Carlo, polycrystalline scale atomistic models of H-diffusion deformation can be simulated with high efficiency. To study H-grain boundary interactions at various concentrations, we developed a model containing 8 randomly oriented grains and studied the characteristics of H segregated sites with respect to H-free ones. We analyzed the dislocation activities, e.g., dislocation type, length, distribution of grain boundaries in two scenarios. To study H-crack surface interactions, large pillars including all possible sites from different angles of free-surfaces were modeled. We will discuss how H significantly changes dislocation activities of these defects leading to the ductility loss.


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Fundamental Design of Alloys Resistant to H-embrittlement: Simulation Insights on Nanoscale H-defects Interactions
Investigate the Interfacial Behavior between Molten Fluoride Salt and Ni-Cr Alloy with ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics
Modeling Changes in Scale Formation on Copper-nickel Alloys in Response to Environment Changes
Nanoporous High Entropy Alloys: A New Class of Materials with Remarkable Mechanical and Corrosion Properties
On the Effects of Texture and Grain Morphology on Hydrogen Transport Towards Notch Tips
Phase-field Modeling of Internal Oxidation in High-temperature Ni-Cr Alloys
Phase Field Modeling of Molten Salt Dealloying Corrosion of NiCr Alloys

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