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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Light Metal Technology
Presentation Title Modeling and Study of the Effect of High Cooling Rates during Crystallization on the Structure and Properties of the Mg-Zr-Nd Alloy Used for Implants
Author(s) Nikita Aikin, Vadim Shalomeev
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Nikita Aikin
Abstract Scope The work is devoted to the study of the influence of high cooling rates on the structure formation and mechanical properties of the biosoluble Mg-Zr-Nd alloy used for the manufacture of biosoluble implants. It was determined that the ultrahigh cooling rate (about 55 oC/sec), leads to the formation of superfine structure and even distribution of strengthening phases significantly improving the mechanical properties of the alloy. Based on the data of microstructure simulation, a regression equation was constructed, which allows to predict the average grain size of the alloy. The obtained empirical dependences allow to predict and obtain the final alloy with a wide range of possible mechanical properties, favorable for performing various tasks facing biosoluble implants and using the most available casting methods. Industrial-grade biosoluble implants have been preclinically tested and recommended for further use.


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Modeling and Study of the Effect of High Cooling Rates during Crystallization on the Structure and Properties of the Mg-Zr-Nd Alloy Used for Implants
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