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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Segregation in Steels
Presentation Title Impact of Steel Composition on Macro-Segregation of Carbon in Continuous Casting
Author(s) Sai Bhuvanesh Nandipati, Armin Silaen, Yufeng Wang, Sunday Abraham, Chenn Q. Zhou
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Sai Bhuvanesh Nandipati
Abstract Scope Continuous casting revolutionizes steel production, offering an efficient method to meet surging demands in construction, automotive, and infrastructure. However, solute segregation during this process, driven by differences in solubilities and densities, introduces chemical imbalances, compromising steel quality with non-uniform properties and potential cracks. Micro-segregation is inherent, while macro-segregation induces casting defects. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), coupled with solidification and chemical segregation models (focused on carbon), becomes pivotal in observing and mitigating macro-segregation in diverse steel grades. Using CFD, this study mainly investigates macro-segregation of carbon in different steel compositions. Segregation of three different steel compositions is compared using a dimensionless segregation parameter. The simulation results show that low carbon steel, which has lower partition coefficient, exhibits a higher degree of segregation compared to medium carbon steels.


Characterization and Modeling of Solute Segregation at Grain and Interphase Boundaries in Steel
Correlating Retained Austenite Characteristics and Mechanical Properties in Duplex-Type Steels Microstructures
Impact of Steel Composition on Macro-Segregation of Carbon in Continuous Casting
Influence of Boron Segregation on Sigma Phase Formation in Duplex Steels
Measurement of Microsegregation of Mn, Cr and Nb Through the Thickness of an As-Cast X70 Microalloyed Steel Slab Using EMPA
Study on Formation Mechanism and Control of Freckle in Electroslag Remelting Process of Low Alloy and High Strength Steel
Study on the Effect of Aluminum on Microsegregation of Elements in Steel

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