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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Materials and Chemistry for Molten Salt Systems
Presentation Title Optical Basicity Determination in Molten Chloride Salts
Author(s) Kailee Buttice, Qiufeng Yang, Ruchi Gakhar, Adrien Couet
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kailee Buttice
Abstract Scope Optical basicity, derived from UV-Vis spectra of p-block transition metal ions in molten salt, depends primarily on free halide content. Studies on the bismuth probe in the ZnCl2-KCl system yield results similar to the AlCl3-KCl system as historically reported. The peak wavelength as a function of composition is nonlinear, indicating that basicity may not be linearly related to salt composition. ZnCl2 stabilizes lower Bi oxidation states (Bi+ and [Bi5]3+) rather than Bi3+. Increasing the ZnCl2 ratio and melt temperature decreases the peak absorption wavelength for Bi+, showing increased chloroacidity due to fewer available chloride ions. Zn has a tendency to form tetrahedral complexes and the melt's increased ionicity at higher temperatures contribute to this. Bi+ thus evidently serves as a probe for chlorobasicity. This research aims to create a basicity scale for molten halide salts to assess structural material corrosion and further investigation of Pb and Tl probes is planned.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Nuclear Materials, Other,


A Computational Approach to Investigate the Impact of Impurities on Corrosion Behavior in Molten Salt Reactors
Advanced Corrosion Barrier Design for Molten Salt Reactors
Application of an Extensive Thermodynamic Database Models to Characterize Molten Salt Reactor Behavior
Assessing the Impact of Molten Halide Salts on Creep of Structural Alloys at 650°-750°C
Atomistic Insights Into Orientation-Assisted Corrosion of NiCr Alloys in Molten FLiNaK Salt Using ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics
C-10: FLiNaK Corrosion of Cermet Structural Materials for Applied Advanced Coating Designs in Molten Salt Reactors
C-11: Impact of EuCl3 on the Morphological Evolution of Ni-20Cr Alloys in LiCl-KCl Eutectic Molten Salt Environments
C-12: Impact of Sample Preparation on Corrosion Behavior of Alloys in Molten Salts
C-13: Investigating the Combined Corrosion and Radiative Effects on 316SS and Welded Joints in Static FLiNaK Salt
C-14: Laser-Based Spectroscopy Techniques to Evaluate Molten Salt/Liquid Metal Corrosion Properties
C-15: Silicide-Based Coatings to Prevent Molten Chloride Corrosion
C-16: Thermodynamic Assessment of the NaCl-ZrCl4, KCl-ZrCl4, and MgCl2-ZrCl4 Systems for Molten Chloride Reactors
C-24: Tuning Fabrication Parameters to Produce Unique, Microstructurally Tailored Ni-Cr and Fe-Cr Samples for Corrosion and Irradiation Testing
C-6: Assessment of Mixed Cation Lanthanide/Actinide Surrogate Systems Toward Reduction of Molten Salt Pyroprocessing Waste
C-7: Development of a New Nickel-Based Alloy Hardened by Nano γ’ (Ni3Al) for Molten Salt Reactors
C-8: Effect of Aluminum Content on the Corrosion Resistance of Ni70Mo10Cr20-xAlx Alloys for Molten Salt Reactors
C-9: Evaluation of Corrosion in Ni-Based Alloys in Molten Fluoride Salt
Chemistry Control for Fluoride Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactors
Comparative Study on Stress Assisted Corrosion Behavior of Oxide-Oxide & Carbon-Silicon Carbide Ceramic Matrix Composites in a Molten NaCl-Na2SO4 Salt
Confirmation of Impurity Detection in Molten Salts
Controlling Tritium Speciation in Molten Salts: Insights From the Liquid Immersion Blanket Robust Accountancy (LIBRA) Experiment
Corrosion and Deposition in Flowing Molten Salt Experiments
Corrosion and Microstructural Dynamics in Nuclear Reactor Alloys Exposed to Fluoride Molten Salts: Insights From 4D-STEM Analysis
Corrosion Behavior of Metallic Materials in Heat Transfer Fluids and Mitigation Strategies for CSP Applications
Corrosion of Ni-Cr-Fe Model Alloy in Molten NaCl-MgCl2 Salt
Corrosion of Nickel Alloys and Stainless Steels in Molten Chloride Salt
Corrosion of Ultrahigh Temperature Ceramics and PM-HIP Refractory Alloys In Molten Chloride Salt
Dealloying of Post-Cold Rolled Model Ni-Cr Alloy in Molten FLiNaK Salts
Dealloying of Post-Irradiated Model Ni20Cr (wt.%) Alloy in Molten FLiNaK Salts
Deposition of Surrogate Fuel in Static and Pumped Fluoride Salt Systems
Design of Corrosion-Resistant Ceramic Coatings Against Molten Chlorides via Computational Thermodynamics
Development of Corrosion-Resistant High Entropy Alloy for Nuclear Application
Development of Molten Salt Corrosion Resistant Material
Development of Surveillance Test Articles for Materials Degradation Management in MSR Environments
Dissolution and Diffusion Processes of Metallic Titanium in Liquid Tin and the Electrochemical Behavior of Ti-Sn Alloy Separation
Effect of Impurities on Molten Salt Corrosion of 316H Stainless Steel in FLiNaK Medium
Effect of Stress on Corrosion of 316H in Molten FLiNaK
Effects of Transition Metal Impurities on the Corrosion of Ni-Based Alloy in Molten Fluoride Salt
Electrochemical Analysis and Corrosion Behavior of Ni-Cr Alloy in Molten LiCl-KCl
Electrochemical Characterization of Molten Salt Fuel Systems With Boron-Doped Diamond
Electrolytic Reduction of Nuclear Oxide Fuels Using Precious Group Metal Anodes
Enhanced Electrochemical Method for Detecting Dissolved Non-Metallic Contaminants in Molten Salts
Evolution of Molten Salt Chemistry During Oxygen and Moisture Ingressions
First Principles Investigation of the Structural and Thermophysical Properties of Ni2+ in Alkali-Halide Eutectic Molten Salts
Gaseous Fission Product Scrubbing Using Eutectic NaOH-KOH Molten Salts
Impact of Molten Salt Exposure on Characteristics of Metal Nanoparticles
Impurity and Corrosion Assessment in Purified Molten Fuel NaF-BeF₂-UF₄-ZrF₄ Salts
In-Situ Corrosion Monitoring of Alloy-625 in the Flowing Molten Salt Using Natural Convection Microloop by Radioactive Isotope Tracking
In-situ Monitoring of Molten Chloride Salt Chemistry and Corrosion Using Microelectrode
In-Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Ni-20Cr and High-Entropy Alloys Molten Salt Corrosion
Influence of Moisture on the Thermo-Mechanical Performance of the Thermal Energy Storage Systems
Interaction Between Irradiation-Induced Heterogeneity and Corrosion Dealloying in Ni20Cr (wt.%) Alloy
Introducing and Monitoring Moisture Content in MgCl2-NaCl Salt Systems to Evaluate its Impact on Corrosion of NiCr Alloys
Introducing Damage Gradient in Stainless Steel 316H by 2 MeV Proton Irradiation and Mapping of Corrosion Susceptibility in FLiNaK
Investigating the Corrosion of NITE-SiC/SiC in Molten FLiNaK Salt
Investigating the Effects of Helium-Ion Irradiation on the Corrosivity of FLiNaK Molten Salt
Investigation of Structural Alloy Corrosion in Molten Salt – Mesoscale Modeling of Electrochemical Experiments
Magnesium Chloride Salt/Graphite Foam Composites for Thermal Energy Storage
Metal Redox Control in Molten NaF-BeF2-UF4-ZrF4 Salt for Corrosion Mitigation
Methods for Online Quantification of U and Ln Fission Product Species Using UV-Vis-NIR Optical Spectroscopy
Microstructural Stability, Hardness Change, and Helium Behavior of Dual Ion-Irradiated Ni-Base Alloys for Molten Salt Reactor Applications
Molecular Dynamics Exploration of the Impurity and Radiolysis Effects on the Thermal Properties of Molten FLiBe Salt
Molten Salt Corrosion and Irradiation Tolerance of Electric Field Assisted Sintered AlMoNbTiZr High Entropy Alloy
Molten Salt Corrosion of Additively Manufactured Stainless Steels
Morphological Aspects of Ni-Based Alloys Undergoing Molten Salt Dealloying Corrosion: A Phase Field Study
Optical Basicity Determination in Molten Chloride Salts
Performance and Characterization of Precious Metal Alloys and Coatings as Anodes for Pyroprocessing
Phase-Field Simulations of Corrosion and Dealloying in Molten Salt
Redox Control Measurement in Sodium, Beryllium, Uranium Bearing Salt
Research Progress of the FLiBe Liquid Blanket at the Commonwealth Fusion System
Separation of Fission Product Cesium From an Alkali Fluoride Matrix (CsF-LiF-KF-NaF) via Melt-Crystallization Technique
Simultaneous Proton Irradiation and Molten FLiNaK Corrosion of 316-SS and Ni-Based Alloys
Spectroelectrochemical Detection of Moisture Related Impurities in Molten Salts
Structural and Thermochemical Investigations of Intermediate Compounds in the CsCl-UCl3 and NaCl-CsCl-UCl3 Systems
Surface Chemistry of Irradiation and Molten Salt Corrosion Effect on Fe-8Cr
The Effect of Temperature on the Dealloying Behavior of Binary Ni-20Cr Alloy in Molten FLiNaK
The Evolving Morphology of Porosities in Ni-Cr-Based Alloys Under Molten Salt Corrosion
Thermal Aging Behavior and Microstructure Evolution in Al/Ti Modified Ni-Cr-W-Mo Alloys
Thermal Decomposition of Hydroxide Salts
Thermochemical Measurements of Electroactive Species in Molten Salts Using Cathodic Decomposition Electrodes
Thermochemical Measurements of FeCl2 in Molten LiCl Environment
Thermodynamic Assessment of Reciprocal Salt Systems Involving Cesium, Rubidium, and Iodine With LiF-NaF-KF and NaCl-KCl-MgCl2 for Molten Salt Reactor Applications
Towards Understanding Embrittlement of Ni and Fe Based Alloys in Te- Containing FLiNaK Salt
Tracking Chemical Evolution of Cr Ions in Molten LiCl-KCl Salts via In Situ X-Ray Absorption Spectroscop y
Understanding Coarsening of Dealloyed Ni-20Cr in a Molten Salt Environment Through the Comparison of Phase-Field Simulations to 4-D Experiments
Understanding the Speciation of Molten Iodide Salts via Spectro-Electrochemistry
Uranium Chlorination/Fluorination Using Exchange Reactions
Utilizing Multi-Modal Approach to Investigate Local Structure and Speciation of Metal Solutes in Molten Salt Systems

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