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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advanced Steel Metallurgy
Presentation Title Microstructure Property Relationships of Al- alloyed Medium Manganese Steels
Author(s) Alexandros Serafeim, Christian Haase, Wolfgang Bleck
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Alexandros Serafeim
Abstract Scope The demand for reduction of automotive CO2 emissions has led to the development of the 3rd generation advanced high strength steels. One of the most promising candidates in that generation are Medium Manganese Steels (MMnS). In order to improve robustness of these materials for industrial processing, the addition of Al and Si is being considered. In this study, three MMnS with varying Al contents have been investigated. The kinetics of austenite reversion and microstructural changes, such as dislocation density and recrystallization, were investigated using XRD, SEM and EBSD. A correlation of the microstructure with the respective properties was performed with respect to deformation and damage accumulation in different phases. It was found that there are four different deformation behaviors, which are controlled by the interaction between austenite stability and the ratio of Mn/Al as well as the annealing temperature and time.


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