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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advances in Surface Engineering
Presentation Title Electroplating Powder for Cold Spray Applications
Author(s) Gwendolyn P. Bracker, Elizabeth Hodges, Madeline Scott, Victor Champagne, Robert W Hyers
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Gwendolyn P. Bracker
Abstract Scope Cold spray is a processing technique in which powder particles are accelerated toward a substrate on which they deposit and build a wrought coating. In this process it is essential to balance the velocity of the particle, the properties of the particle, and of the substrate; otherwise, the particles may either fail to deposit or, may erode the substrate. Current work is exploring approaches that would allow for harder particles to be deposited on the surface of more ductile substrate without eroding the substrate. One approach to accomplish this is electroplating a softer coating on the hard powder. However, electrodeposits readily form a continuous layer binding the particles into a matrix, rather than uniformly coating the powders. A novel approach to electroplating has been successful with several different combinations of coatings and powders. This work will present new results on this work.


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