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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Natural Fibers and Biocomposites: A Sustainable Solution
Presentation Title Hydroxyapatite Surface Modification of Jute Fiber for Thermoset Composites: Interfacial Enhancement, Thermal Functionalization, and Additive Manufacturing
Author(s) Yuxuan Wu, Zhuoyuan Yang, Yizhou Jiang, Sirish Namilae
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Sirish Namilae
Abstract Scope Jute fibers are lightweight, cost-effective, widely available, and eco-friendly. However, their use in fiber-reinforced composites is limited by biological variability and poor fiber-matrix interfacial properties, hindering advanced additive manufacturing. This study introduces a novel surface modification using hydroxyapatite (HAP) nanocrystals enhancing jute fibers embedded in eco-friendly thermosetting polymers. Analysis of the composite interface through nanoindentation and modulus mapping shows a 31.4% increase in stiffness and a storage modulus of up to 7.5 GPa in the HAP region. Furthermore, HAP modifier functionalizes jute fibers for direct writing (DW) additive manufacturing. The improved thermal conductivity of continuous jute fiber facilitates the filament uniformity during extrusion and the subsequent curing, taming the overall manufacturability of the composite. The DW process allows for fabrication of complex multilayer geometries containing varying fiber contents with high controlability and precision, demonstrating the potential for advanced manufacturing of jute fiber thermoset composites.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Composites, Additive Manufacturing, Characterization


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