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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advanced Characterization of Materials for Nuclear, Radiation, and Extreme Environments V
Presentation Title L-1: Application of Laboratory-Based Photoelectron Spectroscopy with Hard and Soft X-Rays to Nuclear Forensics Characterization of Uranium Dioxide Fuel
Author(s) Stuart Dunn, Paul Roussel, Aaron Wood, Ben Spencer, Robert Harrision, Philip Kaye, Matthew Higginson, Wendy Flavell
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Stuart Dunn
Abstract Scope Nuclear Forensic investigations rely on the analysis of the chemical and physical properties to determine the provenance of nuclear materials, found out of regulatory control. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) has been shown to be a powerful tool in supporting material assessment by analysis of the top few nanometers of the surface. With the onset of laboratory based hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) instrumentation, this provides the opportunity to probe deeper into the bulk. Utilizing the 9.25 KeV excitation range of HAXPES, quantification is possible from different average depths of the sample matrix showing inhomogeneity between the surface and the bulk, offer a unique non-destructive depth profile. Chemical speciation is determined for the first-time using uranium transitions only accessible in HAXPES analysis. Combined with XPS, this correlates the stoichiometric depth variation with chemical speciation to understand the corrosion and contamination present on the surface, which are key forensic signatures.


Advanced Characterization Capabilities of Nuclear Materials via NSUF
Advanced In-Situ Strain Mapping for Zr Oxidation by 4D-SPED
An In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Study on the Synergistic Effects of Heating and Biasing of AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors
Atomic-Scale Hidden Point-Defect Complexes Induce Ultrahigh Irradiation Hardening in BCC Metals
Characterization of Aluminum Under Shock: Defects, Grain Orientation, and Phase Stability
Characterization of Radiation Damage in Nanocrystalline Ni- and Fe-Based Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened Alloys
Deciphering and Visualizing Helium Accumulation and Dynamics in Materials via In-Situ Characterization
Deployment and Testing of a Fiber-Based Instrument for In-Reactor Thermal Property Measurements at MIT Research Reactor
Determination of Molten Salt Thermal Conductivity Using Laser Flash Technique
Dynamics of Radiation Defect Accumulation in Non-Metallic Materials
Formation and Recover of Dislocations Under Deformation and/or Irradiation of Elemental Tantalum, a Step Toward Understanding Complex BCC Alloys.
Impact of Amorphous Pockets on Displacement Damage Evolution in Crystalline Silicon
Influence of Defects Length-scale on Nuclear Graphite Properties
Interactions Between Radiation-Induced Defects and Shock in Al 1100
Investigation of Helium Bubble Formation at Tungsten-Dispersoid Interfaces in Dispersion-Strengthened Tungsten Alloys
L-1: Application of Laboratory-Based Photoelectron Spectroscopy with Hard and Soft X-Rays to Nuclear Forensics Characterization of Uranium Dioxide Fuel
L-2: Effect of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation on Silicon Carbide
Localized Crystallization of Zr Following Heavy Ion Irradiation of HfNbTaZr MPEA
Machine Learning and Molecular Dynamics-Coupled X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy for Disordered Multicomponent Systems
Microstructural and Chemical Evolution Studies of U-10Zr Metallic Fuel and HT9 Cladding from Fast Flux Test Facility
Microstructural Evolution in 316L Stainless Steel Under Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Corrosion
Nanoscale Redistribution of Lithium in Neutron Irradiated LiAlO2
Neutron-Induced Reversible Nanostructuring of GeSe2
Quantitative Phase Characterization of Nuclear Cements and Concretes Using Non-Destructive 3D Automated Mineralogy and Enhanced Deep-Learning Reconstruction via X-ray Microscopy
Real-time Neutron Diffraction to Support Interpretation of DSC Results on Zr-2.5Nb for Reactor Pressure Tubes
Strong Dependence of 2D Material Radiation Tolerance on the Composition of the 2D Material and Its Surrounding Environment
Structural Characterization of Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics in Three Dimensions for Statistical and Physics-Based Modeling
Superimposed Effects of Texture and Grain Shape Anisotropy on Biaxial Creep Behavior of Nb-Modified Zircaloy-4 Cladding
Surface Microstructure Evolution and Associated High Temperature Anti-Oxidation Mechanisms of Copper with Vapor Deposited Graphene
Synthesis and Irradiation of Uranium Carbide and Nitride for TRISO Development
Thermophysical Characterisation of Zirconium-Based Nuclear Materials
Thermophysical Properties of Irradiated Yttrium Hydride Moderator Material
Tungsten-Based WTaVCr Refractory High Entropy Alloys for Fusion Energy Applications
Understanding Irradiation Assisted Hydrogen Embrittlement Using In Situ Coherent X-Ray Imaging
Understanding the Mechanism of Fission Gas Re-Solution and Blistering in UMo Fuel via Atomistic Modelling
Understanding the Surface and Near Surface via Nanomechanical Mapping

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