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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing of Polymeric-based Materials: Potentials and Challenges
Presentation Title Anisotropy and Porosity in 3D Printed Carbon Fiber-PLA Composites Measured Using Ultrasonic Testing
Author(s) Dillon Shen, Zebadiah Miles, Daniel Santos Gualoto Condor, Carl Boehlert, Sunil Chakrapani
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Sunil Chakrapani
Abstract Scope Recent advances has allowed us to 3D print Carbon fiber-PLA composites using fused deposition modeling (FDM) printers. This article focuses on two aspects: (a) anisotropy and (b) porosity in the short fiber, 3D printed composites. To measure the Cij elastic constants, we utilize ultrasonic velocity, which is a combination of stiffness and density and has been previously used to measure the anisotropic elastic constants and porosity content. Assuming orthotropy, we measure the 9 elastic constants. To validate, we have further rotated the build direction and used the composite rotation theory to compare the measured and predicted elastic constants. Finally, destructive analysis was carried out to measure the fiber, matrix and void volume fractions. The voids were elongated and found mainly at the fiber/matrix interface. The void theory was used to determine the reduction in stiffness and compared against the elastic constants measured using ultrasonic testing.


Advanced Surface Engineering for Improved Ice-Traction and Wear-Resistance
Anisotropy and Porosity in 3D Printed Carbon Fiber-PLA Composites Measured Using Ultrasonic Testing
Antimicrobial Coating of 3D Printed Polyetheretherketone(PEEK) Spinal Cages
Design and Additive Manufacturing of Polyethylene-Based Hierarchical Composites by Selective Laser Sintering
Design and Manufacturing of Multifunctional Piezoelectric Composites
Investigating Property Changes of Reprocessed Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Additive Manufacturing
Investigation of Aging Behavior and Sensor Performance of Thiol-ene Based UV-Curable Elastomers Printed via Direct Ink Writing for Soft Robotic Applications
Molecular Engineering and Additive Manufacturing of Polyisobutylene-Based Elastomers and Composites
Natural Carbon-Enhanced Polymer Composite Material for Sustainable Additive Manufacturing Applications
Optimization of 4D Printing Parameters for Shape Memory Polymer Blends: A Comprehensive Characterization Study on TPU/PLA Blend
Recent Advances in Gas Atomization Processing of Polymer Powders for AM
Thermal Strategies for Producing Metallic Components from Metal-Polymer Feed-Stock via Material Extrusion
Ultrasonic Welding with L and L&T Mode Transducers

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