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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Length-Scale Phenomena in Mechanical Response
Presentation Title The Automated Quantification of Alpha Laths and Tensile Behavior in Ti-6Al-4V Processed With Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Author(s) Matthew Schreiber, Garrison Hommer, Craig Brice, Josh Norman, Jenna Krynicki, Joy Gockel
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Matthew Schreiber
Abstract Scope The effects of PBF-LB processing on alpha lath size and the subsequent effect on tensile behavior are well studied. In short, finer microstructures promote stronger materials. In this work, laser power, scanning velocity, and hatch spacing were varied to generate PBF-LB Ti-6Al-4V material with distinctive thermal histories, with discrete microstructures and tensile properties. Microstructural information and tensile data were collected for three different processing parameter sets. The alpha laths in optical and electron micrographs were measured with manual and novel automated Python methods. Manual measurements of alpha lath thickness yielded values below 1 µm for all process parameters. Python methods tended to underestimate the lath thickness values due to over counting of line intercepts with lath boundaries, while EBSD methods tended to over-estimate lath thickness values. With efficient quantification techniques, time can be redirected to improving the statistical significance of measurements instead of manually measuring microstructural features.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Characterization, Mechanical Properties, Titanium


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