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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing of Titanium-based Materials: Processing, Microstructure and Material Properties
Presentation Title Effect of Heat Treatment on Laser Powder Bed Fusion Ti-6Al-4V
Author(s) Katie O'Donnell, Anthony Rollett, Evan Adcock, John Lewandowski, Brett Ley
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Katie O'Donnell
Abstract Scope Additive manufacturing of titanium alloys offers enormous promise in many industries, including the aerospace and biomedical fields. Processes such as laser powder bed fusion eliminate the waste involved with traditional titanium manufacturing methods and allow for complex geometries and the reduction of assemblies into single parts. However, additive manufacturing can introduce textured microstructures and porosity that may be undesirable in some applications. As such, post-processing of additively manufactured parts can be used to influence the final materials state, with hot isostatic pressing capable of reducing porosity in addition to the higher temperatures involved altering the microstructure. Ti-6Al-4V samples were produced and subjected to post-processing steps; two temperatures were chosen as heat treatments, and then duplicated with hot isostatic pressing to examine the influence of porosity independent from microstructure changes. Mechanical and microstructural testing was then carried out on the resulting samples.


A Novel Direct Reduction and Alloying (DRA) Process for Making Titanium and Titanium Alloy Powder
Additive Manufacturing of Titanium Loop Heat Pipe for Thermal Management of Spaceflight
Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) for Improved Ti64 Feedstocks for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processes
Effect of Heat Treatment on Laser Powder Bed Fusion Ti-6Al-4V
Effect of Nitrogen Environment In-Situ Laser Remelting Over the Corrosion and Wear Behaviour of Additive Manufactured Ti6Al4V
Effect of Recycled Swarf and Spherical Ti-6Al-4V Feedstocks on Laser Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing
Effects of Thermal Conditions and Post-Processing Heat Treatments on Microstructure-Property Relationships of Ti-6Al-4V Fabricated via Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Influence of Building Direction on Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Behaviour of Additive Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V alloy
Machine Learning Enabled Discovery of New L-PBF Processing Domains for Ti-6Al-4V
Nanostructures in the Direct Energy Deposited Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr Alloy
Refining the Fatigue-Based Process Window for LPBF Ti64 and Exploring Defect Distributions
Revealing Solidification Conditions during Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Ti-6Al-4V from EBSD
Ti-6Al-4V Microstructure Outcomes and Effects in PBF-LB Fatigue Samples Across Varied Laser Power and Velocity
Variations Across Length Scales in Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Parts: Challenges to Repeatability and Reproducibility

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