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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Characterization of Materials through High Resolution Coherent Imaging
Presentation Title Probing Cryogenic Strain Evolution in SrTiO3 Using Multi-Reflection Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging
Author(s) David Yang, Sung Soo Ha, Sung Wook Choi, Jialun Liu, Daniel Treuherz, Longlong Wu, Ana F Suzana, Gareth Nisbet, Dan Porter, Hyunjung Kim, Ian K Robinson
On-Site Speaker (Planned) David Yang
Abstract Scope Strontium titanate (STO) is a complex oxide perovskite relevant for capacitors, semiconductors, and superconductors, exhibiting significant physics phenomena due to its mixed ionic and covalent properties. STO undergoes a well-known cubic-to-tetragonal (antiferrodistortive) phase transition at 105 K, which is close to a quantum critical point related to superconductivity. However, the size dependence of this phase transition is not widely reported. Here we explore the phase transition in STO microcrystals using in operando multi-reflection Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (BCDI), to examine 3D strain tensor evolution at cryogenic temperatures. Heatmap analysis of 3D tensor components capture structural modes, and we note voids of missing electron density associated with SrCO3 impurities. Quantitative changes in the strain fields surrounding 1/2<011> type dislocations are observed as a function of radial position and increase in magnitude as a function of decreasing temperature. Understanding these low-temperature structural changes is crucial for developing next-generation electronic devices.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Other, Characterization, Other


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Probing Cryogenic Strain Evolution in SrTiO3 Using Multi-Reflection Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging
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