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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advancing Current and State-of-the-Art Application of Ni- and Co-based Superalloys
Presentation Title Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a CoNi-base Superalloy Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting
Author(s) Sean P. Murray, Kira Pusch, Andrew Polonsky, Chris Torbet, Peeyush Nandwana, Michael Kirka, Ryan Dehoff, Ning Zhou, Stéphane Forsik, William Slye, Tresa Pollock
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Sean P. Murray
Abstract Scope Electron beam melting (EBM) for additive manufacturing offers the possibility of advanced component designs using materials for extreme environments. This process can be thought of as a repetitive micro-welding process, where metallic powders are sintered and joined layer-by-layer under vacuum by an electron beam. Many of the advanced nickel superalloys used in critical areas of the hot section of turbine engines are traditionally considered unweldable due to their tendency to crack upon solidification, which is promoted by their high volume fraction of gamma prime that forms shortly after solidification. Here we present the development of a novel CoNi-base superalloy with high gamma prime volume fraction and inherent oxidation resistance that is amenable to the EBM processing route. Microstructure development in the as-printed and heat-treated conditions will be discussed, as well as the mechanical properties in comparison to other gamma prime containing superalloys currently being considered.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


A Comparative Study of the Effects of Surface Treatments and Finishes on the High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Alloy 800 in a 400 °C Steam Environment
A Comparison of Creep Properties between Conventionally Cast and Additive Manufactured CMSX-4
A Damage Model with Oxidation Effects
Advancing Alternate Processing of Rene 65 with Additive Manufacturing
Advancing Characterization of Co/Ni-based Superalloys with Statistics using Correlative Electron Diffraction and X-ray Spectroscopy
Advancing The State of the Art of Superalloys by Balancing Performance with Repairability
Analysis of the APB Energy in an Additive Manufactured Polycrystalline Ni-based Superalloy with High γ' Volume Fraction
Applying APT and LKMC Simulations to a Model Ni-based Superalloy
Competing Mode of Failure Predictions in a Ni-based Superalloy using Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Simulations
Competitive Mechanisms of Fatigue Crack Initiation Around Non-metallic Inclusions of a Polycrystalline Ni-base Superalloy
Considerations for Homogenizing Alloys
Creep Resistant Cast INCONEL Alloy 740H using an Alternative Casting Technique
Deformation Mechanisms of Co-Cr-W-Ni Alloys at Ambient Temperature
Design Approaches for Advanced High Temperature Structural Materials
Design of γ’-strengthened Co/Ni-based Superalloys
Development of a New High Energy X-ray Diffraction NDT for High Pressure Turbine Blades
Effect of Stacking Fault Segregation and Local Phase Transformations on Creep Strength in Ni-base Superalloys
Effect of Ultrasonic Nanocrystalline Surface Modification (UNSM) on the Oxidation Behavior of Alloy 800HT in a Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SCO2) Environment
Elevated Temperature Tribological Behavior of Alloys 800HT and 617 for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Applications
Enhancement of EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coating Adhesion Strength by Laser Surface Texturing
Environmental Effect Solutions for Superalloys Today and Tomorrow
Evolution of Microstructure in Net-shape HIP IN718 with Improved Fatigue Performance
Experimental Assessment and Numerical Simulation of Recrystallization Phenomena in Nickel based Superalloy Forgings
Factors Controlling VHCF Life of Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloys
First-principles Study of Displacive-diffusive Phase Transformations during High Temperature Creep: from Ni- to Co-based Superalloys
Formation and Composition of Hot Corrosion Deposits on Model Ni-Cr-Al Alloys
Friction Stir Welding of Inconel 825 Alloy
From Co-Al-W-alloys to Advanced CoNi-base Superalloys
G-1 (Invited): The Role of Heteroepitaxial Recrystallization in the Determination of the Grain Size Distribution during Thermomechanical Processing of Ni Base Superalloys
G-2: Application of Computed Tomography as Non-destructive Test in Development Process of Aircraft Ni Superalloys Castings
G-3: Evaluating the Hydrogen Environment-assisted Cracking Susceptibility of a Next-generation Co-Ni Alloy for Marine Fastener Applications
G-7: The Role of Microstructural Homogenization on Tensile and Stress-rupture Behavior of Selective Laser Melted Nickel Based 718 Alloy
Grain Boundary Chemistry and Mechanical Properties of a Multicomponent Co-based L12–ordered Intermetallic Alloy
Heat Treatment Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of Ni-Cr-Mo-W (Haynes 244) Alloy after Surface Treatment by Ultrasonic Nanocrystalline Surface Modification (UNSM) and Laser Shock Peening (LSP)
High-temperature Corrosion of Ni-based Superalloys in Impure CO2 Power Cycle Environments
Innovation in Ni- and Co-base Superalloys at Carpenter Technology Corporation
Investigating Deformation Mechanisms in a Coarsening Resistant Ni-base Superalloy with "Compact" γ'-γ" Coprecipitates
Is the Carbon Content Really an Issue for the LCF Durability of Forged γ/γ′ Ni-based Disk Alloys?
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Cast Ni-based Alloy
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a CoNi-base Superalloy Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting
Microstructure Evolution in a P/M Ni-based Super Alloy
Modeling the Dependence of Microstructural Evolution on the Crystallographic Orientation in Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloys
New Insights on Al2O3-Scale Growth on Ni-Based Alloys and the Influence of Reactive Elements
Ni-based Superalloy Design Exploration by the High-throughput Hot-isostatic-pressing Micro-synthesis Method
Numerical Calculation of Antiphase Boundary Energy of Ni-superalloys
On the Effects of Chemistry Variations in New Nickel-based Superalloys for Industrial Gas Turbine Applications
On the Formation of Heating and Cooling Precipitates from a Superalloy Powder
On the Rejuvenation of Crept Ni-base Single Crystal Superalloys (SX) by Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)
On the Temperature Limits of Ni-based Superalloys
Optimising Creep Resistance of a Powder Metallurgy Nickel Superalloy via Tailoring of γ΄ Precipitates Using Different Heat Treatments
Optimising the γ/γ' Microstructure and Increasing the High Temperature Strength of a Co-base Superalloy
Performance of Gamma Prime Alloys Processed Through Electron Beam Melting
Phase-field-informed Modeling of γ’ Rafting in 3D during High-temperature Creep in Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloys
Probing Effects of Alloying Additions and Local Phase Transformation Strengthening on Creep Deformation in Nickel Based Superalloys
Recent Advances in Inertia Friction Welding of Dissimilar Ni-base Superalloys
Segregation at Planar Defects in Model NiCo-based Superalloys
Structural and Chemical Features of Borides Precipitated within the Transient Liquid (TLP) Bonded Superalloys
Very High Cycle Fatigue of a Polycrystalline Co-base Superalloy
Welding and Weldability Assessment of Ni-based Superalloys

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