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Meeting Additive Manufacturing Benchmarks 2022 (AM-Bench 2022)
Symposium Additive Manufacturing Benchmarks 2022 (AM-Bench 2022)
Presentation Title (On-Demand) The Effect of Heat Input on Residual Stress Buildup in Selective Laser Melting of Ti6AL4V
Author(s) Londiwe Portia Motibane
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Londiwe Portia Motibane
Abstract Scope Residual stress in Selective Laser Melting is affected by several process parameters. High-speed Selective Laser Melting uses a high laser power to achieve fast scanning and therefore high heat input (laser power/laser scanning speed). In most commercial systems, lower heat inputs are attained in comparison. The residual stress build-up in both high heat-input and low heat-input systems was quantified to benchmark the residual stress in high-speed selective laser melting. Cantilever specimen deflections were similar with a spread of approximately l = 3.5mm. The very near surface stresses measured by XRD were much higher for high-speed SLM while the stress distribution as you move away from the very near surface up to 0,8mm in depth measured by hole-drilling, were similar for high heat-input and low heat-input SLM systems. The effect of heat input was found more apparent in the very near top surfaces and not as much in bulk stresses.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


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Benchmarking Machine Learning Modeling Approaches to Additive Manufacturing Research, Development, and Qualification
Characterization of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Surfaces
Characterizing the Post-build Microstructures of the AM Benchmark Artifacts
Combining Fractal and Topological Analyses to Quantify Fracture Surfaces in Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V
Combining Modeling & Measurement in Metals Additive
Combining Multi-Physics Simulations with Data-Driven Models for Accelerated AM Process Prediction
Computational Materials for Qualification and Certification (CM4QC) Steering Group
Computational Materials in AM: the Incremental Path to Certification Use
Cross-sectional Melt Pool Geometry of Laser-Scanned Tracks and Pads for the 2022 Additive Manufacturing Benchmark Challenges
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Decoupling the Effect of Geometry and Texture on the Mechanical Response of Additively Manufactured IN625 Thin-walled Elements
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Digitally Twinned Additive Manufacturing: Real-time Detection of Flaws in Laser Powder Bed Fusion by Combining Thermal Simulations with In-situ Meltpool Sensor Data
Effect of Process-specific Defects on the Tensile and Constant-amplitude Tatigue Behavior of As-built Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process
Elastic Residual Strain Measurements of 3D Additive Manufacturing Builds of IN718 AM-Benchmark Artifact: An Overview and Comparison Between Measurement Techniques and Submitted Simulation Results
Elimination of Solidification Cracking in AA 6061 Alloy During the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Process
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Evaluation of Strains in AM–Bench Samples via Energy Dispersive Diffraction at Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source
Experimental Data for the Asynchronous AM Bench Challenge: Coupling Laser Absorption with High-speed X-ray Imaging
Experimental Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured 17-4 PH Stainless Steel
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Improving Part Quality in Laser Powder Bed Fusion using Model-based Feedforward Control of Thermal History
In-situ Characterization of Melt Pool Dynamics by High-speed Synchrotron X-ray Imaging and Diffraction
In-situ Heat Treatment of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V
In-situ Monitoring of the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process by Thermography, Optical Tomography, Melt Pool Monitoring and Eddy Current Testing for Defect Detection
In-situ Observation of the Extrusion Processes of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene and Polylactic Acid for Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing
In-Situ Spatial Monitoring and Layer-to-Layer Control of Additive Manufacturing Processes
In Situ High-energy X-ray Diffraction during Compression of Additively Manufactured Inconel 625 at Temperature
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Measurement and Comparison of Residual Strain and Stress within AM-Bench Components Composed of SS15-5PH and IN625
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Meshfree Models for Viscoelastic Filament Extrusion and Solidification
Metal 3D Builds and In-situ Measurements for the 2022 Additive Manufacturing Benchmark Challenges
Methods for Collecting High Resolution Large Area EBSD Maps
Micro-void Deformation Prediction: A Possible Future Asynchronous AM Benchmarking Challenge
Microstructural Engineering in Steel 3D Printing with PBF Method: High-throughput Computational Design
Microstructural, Tribological and Electrochemical Analyses of Additive Manufactured Metallic Alloys for Engineering Applications
Mixed Interface-capturing/Interface-tracking Formulation for Metal Additive Manufacturing on NIST 22 Benchmark Challenge Problems
Model-Assisted Validation and Certification of AM Components
Modeling of Location-specific Grain Shape and Texture Development in the AMB2018-01 Bridge Specimen
Morphology Evolution of Droplets in a Polymer Based Extensional Flow
Multiphysics Modeling of Multicomponent Powder Beds for Metal Additive Manufacturing
Multiscale Material Modeling of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Soft Magnetic Composites
NAFEMS Benchmarks for Metal Additive Manufacturing Simulation: a Complementary Set of Cases
Neutron Diffraction Stress Measurements on an AM Bench 2022 Bridge Artifact
Non-destructive, Low-cost Qualification of AM Material and Processes Using RF Measurements
Numerical Investigation of L-PBF Processing of High Speed Steels to Produce Crack Free Parts
On-line Melt Pool and Microstructure Sensing of Powder Bed Fusion Grade 91 Stainless Steel
Online Prediction of Porosity in Laser Powder Bed Fusion using Physics-informed Meltpool Signatures and Machine Learning
Optical Metrology of Laser-matter Interactions in LPBF: Challenges and Opportunities
Optimizing Roller-based Spreading of Fine, Cohesive Metal Powders via DEM Simulations
Part Deflection of 3D Builds of IN718 from the 2022 AM Benchmark Test Series
Physics-Based Compressive Sensing and Physics-constrained Dictionary Learning to Monitor Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process
Porosity Characterization of BinderJet Additive Manufacturing Parts via Ultrasonic Methods
Powder Blown Laser DED Sensor Development for Mass Flow Monitoring and Defect Detection
Powder Oxygen Heterogeneities and Significant Intra-build Tensile Strength Variation from Common EB-PBF Ti-6Al-4V Powder Reuse Methods
Predicting Material Behavior with Improved Solidification Models for the AM Process Window
Predicting Mechanical Properties of Material Extrusion-fabricated Structures with Limited Information
Prediction of Large Domain Microstructure Morphology by a Novel 3-Dimensional Cellular Automata-phase Field Modeling Approach
Process-induced Crystallization in Thermoplastic Material Extrusion
Process-Structure-Properties Simulations for Predicting Fatigue Indicator Parameters of Additive Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V with Quantified Uncertainty
Pseudo-function of Laser Heat Input for Computational Metal Additive Manufacturing
Quantifying the Size, Shape, and Porosity of Metal Powder Particles using X-ray Computed Tomography
Residual Stress Measurements in the IN718 AM-Bench Component and a Novel Approach for Determining Three Orthogonal Components of Residual Stress by Coupling the Contour and Energy Dispersive Diffraction Techniques
Role of Composition in High Temperature Heat-treatment Response of Additively Manufactured 17-4 PH Stainless Steel
SciServer Analysis on AM-Bench Data
Simulating Spot Melts in 3D with Dendrite-scale Resolution
Simultaneous Computational Fluid and Particle Dynamics Simulation for Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Spatially-resolved Mapping and Statistically-based Analysis of Powder Layer Density by Transmission X-ray Imaging
Stable Nitride Precipitation in Additively Manufactured Nickel Superalloys
Supporting the Simulation Community with Benchmark Measurements for Additive Manufacturing
Suppressing Filament Defects in Embedded 3D Printing
The Additive Manufacturing Moment Measure Approach to Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process Qualification
The Effect of Nozzle Size and Print Speed on the Fiber Orientation and Porosity During Large-scale Additive-compression Manufacturing
The ExaAM Challenge Problem: AM Process Modeling at the Fidelity of the Microstructure
Topographic Measurements of Laser Tracks in Alloy 725 Bare Plate for an Additive Manufacturing Benchmark
Tunable PBF-EB Ti-6Al-4V Fatigue Performance via Controlled Powder Recovery
Understanding Variation in the Additive Manufacturing Supply Chain for Improved Modeling Performance
Use of Extreme Value Analysis to Determine Data Requirements for Defect Characterization and Predict Variation in Fatigue Performance
Voxel-scale Precision in Vat Photopolymerization Additive Manufacturing
X-ray Image Based Ray-tracing Model for Absorption Prediction in Laser Melting
(On-Demand) A High Fidelity Melt Pool Dynamics Model with Experimental Validation Results Against NIST Benchmark AMB2018-2
(On-Demand) A Study on Tensile and Fracture Behaviour of Al 2024 – Ram 2 Alloy Fabricated Through Laser Powder Bed Fusion.
(On-Demand) Investigation of Particle Dynamics During Laser Powder Bed Fusion via a Novel Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Modeling Approach
(On-Demand) Modelling of Chemical Species Mixing During In-situ Alloying of Ternary Alloys and Effect on Rapid Grain Growth
(On-Demand) The Effect of Heat Input on Residual Stress Buildup in Selective Laser Melting of Ti6AL4V
(On Demand) Computationally Derived Correlations Between Segregation, Microstructure Variations and Process-induced Cracks in AM
(On Demand) Investigation of Co-free High Entropy Alloys Produced by Selective Laser Melting for Nuclear Applications

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