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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Coatings to Protect Materials from Extreme Environments
Presentation Title Novel Multiscale Shear Adhesion Testing of Thermal Barrier Coatings
Author(s) John T. Daspit, Clifton Bumgardner, Xiaodong Li
On-Site Speaker (Planned) John T. Daspit
Abstract Scope Advanced testing techniques are required to elucidate the materials properties of advanced materials and coatings. Island Shear Adhesion testing (ISAT) allows for mitigation of bending forces to directly target Mode II fracture mechanics at a range of length scales. Here, we apply ISAT to shear pre-milled coating islands. This test differs from other adhesion tests by targeting precise regions and interfaces of interest. In typical interlaminar adhesion tests, the weakest link (whether interfacial or intercoating) fractures, preventing further information from being gathered on other layers. ISAT has been performed on thermal barrier coatings with success and will be compared with results from pull off tests and interlaminar tensile tests.


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Electrodeposited NiMo Coatings for Improved Molten Salt Reactor Performance
Integrated Fluid and Materials Modeling of Environmental Barrier Coatings
Novel Multiscale Shear Adhesion Testing of Thermal Barrier Coatings
Obtaining Surface Coatings Providing Protection Against High Temperatures in the Production of Coke
Obtaining Wear-resistant Titanium Coatings in SHS Conditions
Real-time Observation of Impact Damage in Coated Silicon Carbide (SiC)

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