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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Innovative Process Design and Processing for Advanced Structural Materials
Presentation Title On the Micromechanical Response of a Mild Steel during Abrupt Strain Path Changes (SPCs)
Author(s) Anastasia Vrettou, Hiroto Kitaguchi, Biao Cai, Thomas Connolley, David Collins
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Anastasia Vrettou
Abstract Scope The effect of Strain Path Changes (SPCs) on the mechanical properties and crystal-level deformation for a single phase, ferritic steel is studied. SPCs were applied via a two-step deformation process, including pre-straining via cold rolling, then uniaxial tension. The role of texture and micromechanics were examined in-situ, by Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction, and ex-situ, by Electron Backscatter Diffraction. Strain paths with orthogonal major strains result in lower ductility, becoming more prevalent at high pre-strains. The macroscopic response and texture were dependent on the pre-strain direction but were insensitive to the uniaxial tension direction. Increasing pre-strain magnitudes resulted in stagnation of lattice strain hardening rates in all macroscopic directions and a significant increase in the geometrically necessary dislocation density. This was increased for specimens rolled perpendicular to the initial rolling direction. The initial and developed texture from the pre-strain influences the density of dislocations accumulated in all grains, and ultimately determines ductility.


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A Study on Migrating Boundary Induced Plasticity Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Pure Iron
Atomic-scale Unique Interface Observation of η/Al in Al-Zn-Mg Alloy
Co-design of 3D Printing, Parts and Microstructure
Effects of Electric Current on the Plastic Deformation Behavior of Pure Copper, Iron, and Titanium
Electric Current-induced Phenomena in Materials
Enhancement of Mechanical Properties in Nanoporous Gold
Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials by Multilayered Structure
K--8: Effect of Heat Treatment in 9% Ni Steels on Cryogenic Impact Toughness
K-12: Improvement of Structural Stability and Characterization of Nanoscale Defects in Amorphous Alumina Thin Film
K-13: Integrated Welding and Thermal Processing for Ferritic/Martensitic Steels
K-14: MatILDaź - Application of a User-oriented Material Database
K-15: Porous Silicon Carbide (SiC) for Composite Core Sandwich Structures
K-16: Solid-state Bulk Joining of Dissimilar Metal Alloys by Electrically Assisted Pressure Joining
K-17: Study on the Behavior of Fine Particles by the Vibration of the Medium with Polluted Air Inside the Rigid Housing
K-18: The Friction and Product Quality in Dry Metal Forming with Volatile Media
K-2: Automated Process Design for Heat Shrink Casing of Welded Parts of Buried District Heating Pipe
K-4: Development of a Gradient Structural Material Using Electrically Assisted Pressure Joining of Fe-Mn-Al-C Lightweight Steels
K-5: Development of a Self-heated Composite Tool for Out of Autoclave and Out of Oven Cure of Thin Ply Composite Structures
K-6: Development of Highly Stretchable and Impermeable Encapsulation by Applying Wavy-structure to Thermally Grown Silicon Dioxide
K-7: Discontinuous Yielding Behavior Due to Twinning Accompanied by Abnormal Grain Growth in Fine-grained Copper
K-9: Enhanced Flaw-tolerance of Nanoporous Gold with Grain Boundary Plasticity
Manufacture of Advanced 3D Composites Using a New 3D Weaving Technique and Their Design Using a Neural Network
Mechanical Properties and Reliability of Nanolayered Stretchable Interconnect with Nanocrystalline Copper and Ternary Metallic Glass
Mechanisms Driving Defect Formation in High Power Laser Welding of Nickel Alloys
Microstructure-based Fatigue Life Modeling Methodology for Ferritic-pearlitic Hypo-eutectoid Steels
Modern Supercomputing for Accelerating the Design of High-temperature Aluminum Alloys
Monte Carlo Simulations for Microstructure Evolution via Diffusion
Novel Solid-State Metal Powder Fabrication Process for Feedstock of Metal Matrix Composites Additive Manufacturing
On the Micromechanical Response of a Mild Steel during Abrupt Strain Path Changes (SPCs)
Recent Nanoindentation Studies on Innovative Process Design for Advanced Structural Materials
Residual Stress in Steel H-beam Produced by Hot-rolling and QST Investigated by Instrumented Indentation Testing
Structural Evolution during Nanostructuring and Heating of an Additive-manufactured Stainless Steel Examined by X-ray and In-situ Neutron Diffraction Analyses
Uniaxial Tensile Behavior After Baking Treatment in a Low Carbon Steel Accompanying Inhomogeneous Plastic Yielding
Virtual Thermo-mechanical Process Design of Metallic Materials by Integrating Crystal Plasticity and Phase Field Model

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