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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Alumina and Bauxite
Presentation Title Operational Excellence Through Advanced Analytics at Hindalco Muri
Author(s) Prasanta Bose, Kumar Ayush, Ravi Kiran Das, Ashish Chopra, Bharathesh Kumar, Anuj Verma
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Prasanta Bose
Abstract Scope Hindalco Muri Alumina Refinery is engaged in production of standard and specialty alumina. Aveva Pi Vision is used for capturing real-time data visualization, customizable dashboards, and predictive analytics for decision-making. Evaporator Steam Economy. In evaporator steam is used to concentrate spent (alumina stripped) liquor to thick(concentrated) liquor. The predictive model, trained on data and validated , achieved percentage accuracy of 94% for steam economy and 98% for output thick liquor concentration. This model enhances operational efficiency by ensuring accurate predictions and optimal performance. Soda (NaOH) loss control. In alumina refinery caustic soda (NaOH) is used to extract alumina from bauxite ore and caustic soda recovery is done in the mud washer circuit. This prediction model involves an in-depth analysis of the washing process, optimizing parameters to maximize caustic soda recovery. This model tailors’ recommendations for each washer, aiming to minimize soda liquor loss 6-8 gpl with 90% accuracy.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Modeling and Simulation, Process Technology,


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Operational Excellence Through Advanced Analytics at Hindalco Muri
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