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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Decarbonization and Sustainability in Aluminum Primary Processing: Joint Session of Aluminum Reduction and REWAS 2025
Presentation Title Microstructure-based analysis of the bonding mechanisms of solid-state-recycled aluminum chips for sustainable semi-finished products
Author(s) Alexander Koch, Frank Walther
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Alexander Koch
Abstract Scope In response to the imperative of climate change, the exploration of sustainable manufacturing processes has gained significant momentum. This study investigates the direct recycling of aluminum chips to fabricate semi-finished products, presenting an energy-efficient alternative to traditional re-melting methods. The novel process chain comprises briquetting, field-assisted sintering (FAST) for chip consolidation, and cold extrusion. Comparative analysis demonstrates a 70% improvement in quasi-static and cyclic properties using this diffusion-based chain compared to methods relying on high shear stresses and deformations. Detailed examinations of chip boundaries via light and scanning electron microscopy elucidate bonding mechanisms. The performance of the products is assessed through quasi-static and cyclic investigations, while microstructural mechanisms influencing hardening and softening behaviors are isolated using hardness measurements. Additionally, electrical resistance measurements differentiate the effects of various mechanisms. This integrated approach provides a detailed evaluation of the performance, offering a sustainable pathway of manufacturing in response to environmental challenges.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals


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