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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium: Manufacturing Structural and Functional Materials with Complexity: Lessons from Nature
Presentation Title From Biological Crystal Growth to Functional Bio-Inspired Crystals
Author(s) Boaz Pokroy
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Boaz Pokroy
Abstract Scope During biomineralization, organisms produce a wide range of functional biogenic crystals with fascinating mechanical, optical, magnetic, and other properties. Remarkably, when living organisms grow crystals, they can precisely control polymorph selection, as well as the crystal’s morphology, shape, and even atomic structure. Natural materials possess extraordinary and specific functions, often distinct from the materials typically chosen by engineers. In this talk, I will present several strategies used by organisms in forming structural biogenic crystals and demonstrate how we apply these strategies biomimetically in materials science to develop new structural materials with unique properties and characteristics. Examples include tuning the electrical and magnetic properties of crystals through organic molecule incorporation, stabilizing amorphous precursors and controlling their crystallization under diffusion-limited conditions, and 3D printing of amorphous precursors prior to crystallization, among others.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords Biomaterials, Composites, Additive Manufacturing


Biomineralized Structures With Porosity: Structure, Mechanics, Multifunctionality, and Formation Mechanisms
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From Biological Crystal Growth to Functional Bio-Inspired Crystals
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Recruiting Unicellular Algae for the Mass Production of Nanostructured Perovskites
Structural Materials Design: Perspectives From Bioinspiration and Artificial Intelligence
Synthesis of Architected Biological Materials With Nanoscale Precision and Translation to Bio-Inspired Structures

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