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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Rare Metal Extraction & Processing
Presentation Title Recycling Rare Earth Permanent Magnets via Liquid Magnesium Leaching and Distillation
Author(s) Emmanuel Opoku, Chinenye Chinwego, Adam C. Powell, Brajendra Mishra
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Emmanuel Opoku
Abstract Scope As the global demand for clean energy technologies surges, the need for sustainable sources of rare earth elements (REEs) has become increasingly urgent. Neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium, vital components in electric vehicles and wind turbines, face supply risks due to the concentrated nature of their mining and refining. This study delves into the recycling of NdFeB magnets, exploring liquid metal leaching using liquid magnesium as the extraction agent. Through experimental approaches such as demagnetization, and stirring during leaching, with filtration using zirconia ceramic foam filters, we successfully separated and recovered high-purity Mg-RE from magnet scrap with no measurable Fe impurities. Post filtration, distillation can be done using a combination of gravity-driven multiple effect thermal system (G-METS) with conventional vacuum distillation. G-METS distillation has the potential to improve the efficiency of rare earth metal extraction, hence contributing to the establishment of a sustainable supply chain for rare earth magnets.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Recycling and Secondary Recovery, Sustainability, Magnetic Materials


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Microstructural Observation on NdFeB Magnets During Pretreatments
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Recovery of Manganese Sulfate from Acidic Solutions Using Eutectic Freeze Crystallization
Recovery of Rhenium from Superalloy Swarf, Grindings, Turnings, and Scrap
Recycling of Strategic Metals from Spent Hydro-Desulphurization Catalysts Using Microbial Activities
Recycling Rare Earth Permanent Magnets via Liquid Magnesium Leaching and Distillation
Sustainable Hydrometallurgical Rare Earth Eements Recovery from Waste NdFeB Magnet
Sustainable Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Canadian Ores: A Cleaner Technology for Resource Recovery
Theoretical Study of Tellurium Recovery from Crude Silver Under Vacuum
Vaporization of Vanadium Pentoxide from Iron and Steel Making Slags

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