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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Thin Films and Coatings: Properties, Processing and Applications
Presentation Title Active Learning and Transfer Learning for Rapid Targeted Synthesis of Compositionally Complex Thin Film Alloys
Author(s) Nathan S. Johnson, Apurva Mehta, Aashwin Ananda Mishra
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Nathan S. Johnson
Abstract Scope The field of materials science is increasingly turning to machine learning to assist in synthesizing advanced materials. This study leverages active learning (AL) to expedite the synthesis of thin-film compositionally complex alloys (CCAs) for thermoelectric applications. Traditional thin film synthesis methods are labor-intensive and time-consuming, necessitating an approach that enhances efficiency without sacrificing accuracy. This study employed a high-throughput combinatorial sputtering method to prepare a wide range of alloy compositions. Active machine learning was used to guide a human researcher in finding correct synthesis conditions for a family of 5-element alloys. Our results demonstrated that the AL approach outperforms traditional human-driven sampling in optimizing synthesis parameters. Furthermore, this study used transfer learning to pre-train models and enhance efficiency further. Models pre-trained on lower-dimensional alloy systems were applied to higher-dimensional systems and showed immediate prediction improvement. This approach is adaptable to a wide range of thin film materials and synthesis techniques.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Thin Films and Interfaces, Machine Learning, High-Entropy Alloys


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