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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Mechanical Behavior of Nuclear Reactor Materials and Components IV
Presentation Title Chloride-Induced Stress Corrosion Crack Propagation Mechanisms in Austenitic Stainless Steel are Mechanically Driven
Author(s) Saquib Bin Habib, Yu Lu, Yaqiao Wu, Donna P. Guillen, David W. Gandy, Janelle P. Wharry, Ronit Roy
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ronit Roy
Abstract Scope This work studies deformation mechanisms in neutron irradiated Grade 91 steel manufactured by powder metallurgy with hot isostatic pressing (PM-HIP). Grade 91 is a ferritic steel known for its excellent void swelling resistance under irradiation. While Grade 91 is typically cast, PM-HIP fabrication is gaining attention for its higher strength and near net-shape production. However, nanoindentation indicates unusual softening of the PM-HIP Grade 91 alloy with increasing irradiation dose from ~1 to ~3 displacements per atom (dpa) at ~400°C. Focused ion beam (FIB) milling was used to extract transmission electron microscopy (TEM) lamellae from the nanoindentation plastic zone. TEM characterization at intervals of ~250 nm from the indent tip revealed the interaction of dislocation lines with loops. At ~1 dpa, the region nearest the indent is nearly dislocation-free, while dislocation density increases deeper into the plastic zone, suggesting propagation of a strain-hardened front that could explain the higher hardness.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Polymers, Mechanical Properties, Characterization


A Solid Mechanics Evaluation of Distortion in Laser Arc Hybrid Welding for Thick Walled Pressure Vessels: Process Validation and Metallurgical Characteristics
Accelerated Evaluation of Creep Behavior in Nuclear Reactor Structural Alloys
Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of a 14YWT Nanostructured Ferritic Alloy
Annealing Study of Highly Embrittled RPV Weld
Assessment of Ring and Axial Tension Tests for Determining Cladding Mechanical Properties
Bridging Microscale to Macroscale Mechanical Property Measurements and Predication of FeCrAl Alloys Under Extreme Reactor Applications
Chloride-Induced Stress Corrosion Crack Propagation Mechanisms in Austenitic Stainless Steel are Mechanically Driven
Comparative Analysis of SMR Powder Formation and Properties Using VIGA and EIGA
Creep Rupture and Microstructural Analysis of Dissimilar Welded Joints of P92 Steel and Alloy 617
Creep Testing of Uranium Mononitride
Deformation Behavior of Irradiated Metallic Materials Using In-Situ Mechanical Test With SEM-EBSD
Deformation Behaviour of Self-Irradiated Model Fe-9Cr and Fe-9Cr-NiSiP Alloys at Room Temperature and 300˚C: A Nanoindentation Case Study
Development of a Plasticity Model for Non-Hydrided and Hydrided Beta-Treated Zircaloy-4 Based on the Results From Notched Tensile, Torsion and Compression Testing
Digital Image Correlation Analysis of Modified Burst Tests to Support BISON Validation of Reactivity-Initiated Accident Separate-Effects Tests
Dislocation-Precipitate Interactions in Neutron-Irradiated RPV Steel
Effect of Dynamic Strain Aging on High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of FeCrAl APMT Alloys
Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Nickel
Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Parent and Friction Stir Processed Ni-Based ODS MA754 Alloy
Effect of Processing on the Nanomechanical Properties of 14YWT ODS Steels
Effects of External Magnetic Field Heat Treatment on Irradiation Resistance of Ferritic/Martensitic Steels
Effects of Radiation-Induced Segregation on the Structure-Property Relationship of RPV Steel Electron Beam Welds
Enhanced Properties of CrAl Coated ATF Cladding
Enhancing Deformability of W-Based Refractory Multi-Principal Element Alloys Through Titanium Alloying
Establishing IASCC-Microstructure Relationship for 316L Stainless Steel Made by Laser Direct Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing
Evaluating Mechanical Properties of Irradiated Ferritic/Martensitic Steels With Nanoindentation and Strengthening Model Predictions
Evaluation of Irradiation-Induced Hardening in Ferritic/Martensitic Steels and Hardness Correction Using Pile-Up Measurements
Evolution of Heterogeneous 316L Stainless Steel Microstructures Under Neutron Irradiation
F-7: Grain Size Effect on Helium Ion Irradiation and Mechanical Response of Ti-Zr-Ni Quasicrystals
Failure Behavior of Nuclear Composite Materials Revealed Through In-Situ Testing
Finite Element Analysis of Stress Evolution of Cr-Coated and FeCrAl-Coated Zircaloy Fuel Cladding Tubes
High-Temperature Tensile Testing of Electron Beam Welded Dissimilar Metals P91 Steel and Incoloy 800HT
High Temperature Creep Behavior of Castable and Sintered Nanostructured Alloys Using the Nanoindenation Technique
Hot Deformation and Processing Maps of Austenitic Stainlesss Steel, FXM19 for Nuclear Reactor Prssure Vessel
In-Situ Loading and Corrosion of Coated Zircaloy With Scratch Defects
Influence of Temperature on Slip Properties and Strain Rate Sensitivity in Zircaloy-4 by Micro-Cantilever Tests
Investigating Radiation Effects on Anisotropic Properties of WAAM-Fabricated Grade 91 Steel for Nuclear Applications
Irradiation-Creep and Irradiation-Creep-Fatigue of Austenitic and Ferritic-Martensitic Alloys for Advanced Nuclear Reactors
Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking of 304 and 316 Stainless Steels With Engineered IASCC-Resistant Microstructures
Machine Learning-Based Correlation of Tensile Properties for Sub-Sized and Standard-Sized Specimens of SS316
Mapping the Swelling Behavior of Pure Chromium as a Function of Stress & Damage Through a Combination of Four-Point Bending, Finite Element Analysis, and Ion Irradiation
Mechanical Anisotropy of Textured Nb-Modified Zircaloy-4 Cladding Tubes
Mechanical Behavior and Microstructure of Stainless Steel/Titanium Dissimilar Metal Welds Utilizing Vanadium Interlayers
Mechanical Behavior of Structural Materials With Radiation Resistant Microstructures
Mechanical Performance of Thin Multilayer Coating Designs Developed for Various Advanced Reactors Applications
Mechanical Properties of Tempered Martensitic Steels After High Dose Fast Reactor Irradiations
Mechanisms-Based Creep-Fatigue Analysis and Alloy Design for Advanced High-Temperature Nuclear Applications
Mesoscale Simulation of Mn-Ni Rich Precipitate Pinning of Dislocations in Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels
Microstructural Related Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behavior in Nuclear Graphite
Microstructure Evolution in Alloy 709 Following Proton Irradiation
Neutron Irradiation-Induced Pseudoelasticity in 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel
Predicting Irradiation Creep Behavior of T91 Steel Using a Physics-Based Crystal Plasticity Model
Probing the Plastic Strength of Fe-Cr Alloys by Composition-Aware Dislocation Dynamic
Quantitative Analysis of Interfacial Defect Densities in Ion Irradiated Dual-Phase Alloy Systems
Radiation Effects in High-Entropy Ceramics
Recent Innovation in Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) In-Situ Extreme Mechanical Testing in Nuclear Environments
Shear and Delamination Behaviour of Basal Planes in Zr3AlC2 MAX Phase Studied by Micromechanical Testing
Simulation of Spark Plasma Sintering of Uranium Mononitride: Finite Element and Machine Learning Approaches
Size Effect Investigation of Nuclear Grade ET-10 Graphite
Studying the Localized Deformation Behavior of Hydride Containing Zircaloy-4 Getter Tubes for TPBAR Applications
Tailoring Properties of HT9 Ferritic/Martensite Steel via Magnetic Field Heat Treatment
Towards a Multiscale Approach for Understanding Irradiation Induced Swelling and Creep in 316 Stainless Steels - A Coupled Cluster Dynamics and Crystal Plasticity Approach
Towards NRC Approval of the Fracture Toughness Test for RPV Integrity Evaluation for Long-Term Operation: Challenges and Opportunities
Understanding the Thermomechanical Response of Incumbent and ATF Fuel Claddings to Accident Transients
Unraveling the Roles of Grain Boundary Chemistry and Stress State on the Oxidation Response of Ni-Cr Alloys

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