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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bio-Nano Interfaces and Engineering Applications
Presentation Title Insight into the Mechanobiological Progression of Cancer Metastasis to Bone
Author(s) Dinesh Katti, Sharad V Jaswandkar, Kalpana S Katti
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Dinesh Katti
Abstract Scope Cancer metastasis to bone is a complex biological phenomena that results in very poor prognosis for patients and occurs for both breast and prostate cancer. The bone metastasis phenomena and tumor formation is influenced by F-actins, the important constituents of the cytoskeleton of the cancer cell. We describe the use of a cancer testbed with tissue engineered bone scaffolds to experimentally evaluate the changes to the actin filaments during progression of cancer metastasis. We have developed multiscale computational models that describe the deformation mechanisms, mechanical properties, concentrations and localization of F-actin. Detailed molecular modeling of the deformation behavior of F-actin for a variety of loading paths show the important structural mechanisms that influence actin dynamics and hence cancer progression. The steered-molecular-dynamics simulations are guided by confocal imaging as well as cellular adhesion experiments on the metastasis testbed. The study shows mechanisms of F-actin dynamics during cancer progression at bone metastasis.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Biomaterials, Composites, Computational Materials Science & Engineering


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Insight into the Mechanobiological Progression of Cancer Metastasis to Bone
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